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About rt59pnoy

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  1. rt59pnoy

    Http Sever on XP

    thank you so much, i didnt even think about that...mayn its always the little things... thanks alot jerry atrik...
  2. rt59pnoy

    Http Sever on XP

    Hi im sort of new at this, but yeah i use to run an Http Sever off my computer when i had Windows2000 Adv Sever, i was running Apache2, php, mysql..bla bla bla, but now i have windows xp and i can set up the sever but the things is that im the only one who can view my site and no one else can unless there on my lan, and i was wondering if anyone cane help me out, right now im useing WinXp, Apache2, PHP, MSQL.....Thanks Chris R