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Everything posted by BAHAMUTI

  1. Hi, I actually got nfshs working just fine, even with d3d. But...there is one really annoying problem with it. Every time I start the game it says: "Your hard drive has less than 1MB free space." At first it didn't bother me at all, until I figured out that because of this my settings NEVER got saved (It's really frustrating having to change controls, resolution, and other graphics each time I want to play it). So....I found this:http://www.ntcompatible.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=9959 On it I found out that there's a way to fix this by using qfixapp.exe: If you get "Your hard drive has less than 1MB free space." Then Use QfixApp on NFSHS.exe and click "2GbGetDiskFreeSpace.dll" Click the "Advanced" tab. Then click "Create attributes file". Then go to the AppPatch folder in the Windows folder and click on NFSHS.reg Now run the game and you will not receive that error message anymore! Reinstall this .reg if you reinstall windows! OK, I opened qfixapp.exe, loaded NFSHS.exe and then I have no clue what to do. I don't see any "2GbGetDiskFreeSpace.dll" that I can click, or the "Create attributes file". ;( I would appreciate it if someone could tell me EXACTLY what to do after loading nfshs.exe into qfixapp. Thanks in advance.
  2. NOOOOOOO! Now the game won't run at all! I did what you said: I UNCHECKED EmulateGetDiskFreeSpace and created a fix support, ran nfshs, but my screen went black/flickered and went back to the desktop. So, I CHECKED EmulateGetDiskFreeSpace again and created a fix support again, only to find out that I totally screwed up the game. Now whenever I run nfshs, the screen goes black/flickers and goes to the desktop. I wish I could get it back to what it was before making those fixes. If you could help me I would appreciate it.
  3. I have Windows XP Pro SP1... And I DO have the latest Application Compatbility Toolkit...but as I said before, I don't know how to use qfixapp.