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Everything posted by nebulus

  1. nebulus

    Any Suggestions?

    Check if your mouse and keyboard are listed in the Device Manager.
  2. nebulus

    Programming Languages

    Well.. since you have some experiences with Pascal I would definitly recommend you Delphi. It's cross-platform (latest edition for Windows is Delphi 7 and for Linux there's Kylix 3. Kylix has also C++ IDE, so you may just as well develope C++ applications) and you can get it for free from Borland's website. Anyway, here're some free eBooks you might find useful: Bruce Eckel's Free eBooks (Java, C++, C#) Essential Pascal (Pascal) Essential Delphi (Delphi) Good luck!
  3. nebulus

    Another Phoenix Browser Topic

    I guess I did... :x Sorry..
  4. nebulus

    Another Phoenix Browser Topic

    Quote: Quote: What exactly is Delphi? I have never heard of it before. Is it a C library or an entirely different language? It's the descendant of Pascal for Windows by Borland, except with a Visual Basic-like interface building paradigm... "RAD" type (rapid application development) using the Object Pascal engine by Borland. Delphi is a programming language which is based on the object-oriented extension of the Pascal, and I think we both have agreed on this. But... just for Windows?? ;( Ouch, ouch, ouch... And what about Kylix?! It uses the Delphi language.. so Delphi is not just for Windows!!
  5. nebulus

    Dreamweaver MX and XP

    Go to Edit->Preferences->Fonts and change fonts there...
  6. nebulus

    Acrobat problems, mostly with margins in Windows XP

    Quote: After much research: there is no way to control margins in a PDF document; this is just an inherent limitation of Acrobat. (...) Yes there's!! Maybe not with Acrobat, but still there's a way to control margins... I'm not so certain that this is a suitable solution for you, but take a look at: http://www.miktex.org http://www.latex-project.org http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/english/lshort.pdf
  7. nebulus

    Bootable CD?

    Read "Creating a CD/DVD"->"Bootable CD" section: ftp://ftp6.nero.com/manual/NeroBurningRom_ENG.PDF
  8. nebulus

    the new virus

    Quote: OH God illuminate me! It can be arranged... Quote: Actually i think that the best AV for 'u is the one that better work with your Pc (...) Since when AV began to be hardware or software dependent?? Quote: (...) and BTW mine is Norton, but since that post up there, hehe, well what can I say??? (with no offense) None taken.. and by the way, I'm using Norton too..
  9. nebulus

    the new virus

    Try Kaspersky Antivirus.. In my opinion even better than Norton.
  10. nebulus


    All you need to do is to create an image of the linux boot sector.. Type this while you're in Mandrake Code: dd if=/dev/hda7 bs=512 count=1 of=/mnt/win_c/linux.bin where hda7 should be your linux boot partition, might be something else.. like hda5.. so check "boot"- line in "lilo.conf" ..and add this to your "boot.ini" file Code: C:\linux.bin="Mandrake Linux 9.0"
  11. Quote: Quote: Installed MS .Net SDK lately? Uh-huh... there WE go...!!! As I suspected above, not being sure of that runtime engine's name... The "attack of the 50-foot .NET runtime engine" lol... I wasn't going anywhere... A friend of mine had a similar problem and, as I can recall it, it had something to do with .net sdk he had installed earlier.. Quote: (...) Yea... that's why I prefer using Borland Delphi & it's default "statically linked" .VCL vs. MSVC++ & VB's "dynamically loaded" .OCX ActiveX methods of programming. Delphi's faster due to that design (and other things about it) & less parts to distribute (or to forget to distribute like it looks like in your case). Plus it CAN be cross-platform.. (I'm talking about Kylix here)
  12. Installed MS .Net SDK lately? Quote: Thw whole error message lists 10 different locations where this file can't be found most of which are in the WINNT folder. It just pointed that the PATH doesn't contain specified dll, so, putting this dll into any of those locations would solve your problem. Anyway, it would be best to copy it into System32 directory..
  13. nebulus

    Configuring Sun Java JRE for Netscape/Mozilla

    ln -s to libjavaplugin_oji.so from .mozilla/plugins if you use mozilla
  14. nebulus

    Autoexec.bat not working?

    You're welcome Well.. this may also help you, since you started talking about autoexec.bat.. Bash Shell Scripting
  15. nebulus

    Autoexec.bat not working?

    Modify/create .Xmodmap in your home directory and add: Code: pointer = 1 3 2 Read this if you need more information: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/XWindow-User-HOWTO
  16. nebulus

    where is the net thingy?

    You can download RH8 from here: http://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/8.0/en/iso/i386/ Changes/packages/etc.. http://www.distrowatch.com/table.php?distribution=redhat
  17. nebulus

    Where is outlook express?

    Quote: Remember the GOOGLE is your friend... maybe it's your friend... my friend's name is http://www.alltheweb.com/advanced
  18. nebulus

    Autoexec.bat not working?

    First of all, why do you need autoexec.bat? 8) If you explain us what your intentions are, so maybe we could come up with something that would help. Finally, nope, you won't get autoexec.bat working in linux..
  19. nebulus

    Windows XP and Windows 2000

    Quote: Oh for the love of...... Is this going to become a weekly topic? No less than twice a week we get a "which OS is better" thread. Can't people just do a search and see what has already been said on the subject? totaly agree with you Anyways, in my personal opinion, WinXP doesn't offer too much that you can't get from Win2000 and requires more from your system. But once more, it is my opinion
  20. It's pretty much what Bursar has already posted (and yes, it's in win2000): 1) Right-click on My Computer -> Manage 2) Services and Applications -> Services and look for Indexing service (under Services of course) 3) Set it to Manual (right-click on it and choose Properties) 4) Go back to Services and Applications and go to Indexing service -> System -> Directories and set them to No
  21. nebulus

    Swapping music files

    It can't get easier than this... Just follow the instructions Theophile has posted and you should be fine. PS: just 'cd' to MPlayer-0.90rc4 after you extracted your files. README should be there.
  22. nebulus

    Help please... Newbie to linux

    Quote: First of all, you're going to irritate a lot of people by referring to "linux 8.0". ...has already started to bug me "8.0"... hmmm.., it's probably Red Hat. Quote: Just log in with your root login (or whatever user) (...) root? ;( dmighty, a little piece of advice, NEVER use root as your user account Quote: can anyone recommend a site for newbies to help with with linux 8.0.. some basic commands , etc... This may help, http://jgo.local.net/LinuxGuide/ http://www.onlamp.com/linux/cmd/
  23. nebulus

    Installing VMware 3.2 on Mandrake 9

    hmmm... had absolutely no problems installing VMWare on Mandrake 9.0
  24. nebulus

    Swapping music files

    Quote: Also is there a video player available besides X-ine which I can't seem to get wmv type files to play. Get mplayer, it plays wmv just fine
  25. nebulus

    Best "Free" Popup killers? HELP!!!

    or... switch to Phoenix