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Everything posted by Grifta

  1. This is for the really old one from MicroProse, not the new online one. I've tried a prog called "Abandon Loader" to get it goin' but no dice. All the compability modes don't work either.
  2. Grifta

    Unstable Metal Fatigue

    It seems that when I get into "big battles" (ie. 8 or 9 ComBots) it seems to crash. I'm gonna go through all the usual things to try and get it to work, but if anyone has gotten it to work flawlessly it would speed up the proccess a lot.
  3. Grifta

    Micro$oft Sidewinder 3D Pro for WinXP

    Yeah, I've seen that all sidwinder products, being MS, work with their respective autodetect features, specially in XP And this post should be in the Hardware (XP) section
  4. Grifta

    GeForce2 MX400

    I just salavaged some stuff from a guy, to make a buddy of mine a POS comp. Now one of the things he had was a GeForce2 MX400, without a fan and/or heatsink. I've been looking for an hour for specs but it's just too dam old. Any on how has one of these, does it need one? Not a huge problem, just means whether i get it to him 2morrow or in a week once I've had time to get to the junk store to pick up a fan and/or sink. This post has been bolded for you lasy-ass skimming convinience
  5. Grifta

    GeForce2 MX400

    It's a 32 meg and it does have the holes there but I've been running it for a week and it still seems fine
  6. Grifta

    GeForce2 MX400

    Yeah, it appearantly really doesn't need one. My games are running fine, although the chip is hotter than stank. But a buddy of mine has the same card and he says he's able to over clock it with out fan/sink. Hell, who'd a thunk it, a graphics card that doesn't need a fan Thanks for the help
  7. Grifta


    Anyone gotten this working? I can install it but as soon as I click the "single player" button on the main menu the game just drops me back to desktop. I've tried with and without sound and all the compatability mode. On compatability mode "Win 95" the only differance is that the intro loads faster, all other modes the intro take about 10-20 seconds to get going. Any input would help.
  8. Grifta


    Ok, so what you're saying is that I'm screwed?
  9. Grifta

    Rise of Nations

    Wow, that's horrible, it's a complete rip-off of Empire Earth.
  10. Grifta

    Sound stutters on some game intro movies

    Usually the problem is that they've either used a crappy codec or it's loading off the CD. Those are the only reasons I could see on a system like that.
  11. Grifta

    Opinions on best RPG?

    If anyone have a PSX or (like myself) an emulator I'd suggest "Legend of Legaia" busy playing it right now....looks like a good story, and an AWSOME concept, crazy fight system. I donno, check it out
  12. Grifta

    Opinions on best RPG?

    WAAAT, I thought it was pretty dam kewl. What was wrong with it?
  13. Grifta

    Opinions on best RPG?

    Arcanum kicked my ass. I love having alotta charisma and persuation...just the conversations you have with people are awsome. and you ARE behind the times ;p try ultima 9 Oh, something I forgot about "Fate of the Dragon(s)" you pick I think 4 samurai and burninate the country side ala diablo style. love more depth than diab tho.
  14. Grifta

    Counter-strike & Asus A7M266

    Quote: Hi, The problem is only in opengl mode and windows xp. In direct 3d no problems If it works fine in D3D why not just play it in that.....if it ain't broken don't fix it.
  15. Grifta

    Dungeon Keeper 2

    Anyone installed this and gotten it to NOT die at seamingly random time?
  16. Grifta

    Dungeon Keeper 2

    Yeah I've got the last patch....but I don't know about the SB Live problem, could that be causing it?
  17. the short answer....no...but wait...YES! Neverwinter Nights...wow, for the first time I'm actually able to answer this question with a yes. All the children rejoice. 8) I ofcourse asumed that you meant free as in "no monthly fee"
  18. Grifta

    Scariest game ever made?

    Everyong stop posting and agree on System shock 2 *shakes fist* it goes something like this 8) and as you get further *MOMMY*
  19. Grifta

    Opinions on best RPG?

    I'd say the diablo is a good "starter" RPG It gets first time RPGers into the whole character building thing.
  20. Grifta

    Opinions on best RPG?

    For best game: Sytem shock 2 (see ^ for reason) For good Replay: I haven't actually played through Morrowind all the way through caus it's a little slow on my comp (By a little slow I mean extreamely slow). But anyway, I've heard that that has awsome replay value. Best all round: Neverwinter Nights, Very good single player, and lots of good downloadable quests....and free online. Actualy an expantion will be comming out soon aswell
  21. at least 4 of those I've had working with no problem
  22. Grifta

    Populous and Populous: Undiscovered Worlds

    If you've both got XP just use "Remote Assist" it's incredably useful
  23. Grifta

    C&C Generals resolution problems.

    8) OK, if you really like AoE 2 get Age of Mythology..SOO good. for about the first 2 or 3 days that I was playing it I was actually going around saying "RARRR"...man those hydras aren't very good game-wise, but they're funn as all hell. And the picking up and the throwing...hehe.. Sorry, I just started playing it again..
  24. Grifta

    Morrowind: Need help choosing a character race

    Basically if you use magical items, enchant is the best skill in the game. It reduces the cost per use, increases the recharge rate, and allows you to make your own magical items. I'd seriously consider restarting your character, or getting a character editor to switch it into your primary or secondary pool. Oh, and just another tip...it's kinda cheap but it gets your enchant lvl up... Get/make something that makes you lose Fatigue Points (like one point a second). Then make something that make you gain Fatigue Points (like one point a second). This will use the skill every second, thus leveling it up incredably quickly. Hell, you could leave your game running and you'd get enchant lvls
  25. Grifta

    Morrowind: Need help choosing a character race

    Ok, first thing....never use the premade classes Best would be to see which of the premades you like the most and then change in or out skills that you like or don't like. The only thing I'd suggest for any character you make is Enchant