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Everything posted by Grifta

  1. Grifta


    Kewl, thanks, I'll try it as soon as I free up some damn space
  2. Grifta

    Warcraft 3 Saved games?

    I've heard of a chapter unlocker floating around, I'd try www.megagames.com
  3. Grifta

    multi booting

  4. Grifta

    Where have all the good "random" RPGs gone?

    I know what you mean pr-man.. I stand middle ground on this, I like a game with a general direction but it's always good to find little nooks and side quests. I've found quite a nice RPG that resembles Ultima: Assention, it's "Gothic" check it out, I hear that they're coming out with a second one.
  5. Grifta


    Sorry, I'm doing the annoying "it doesn't work" thing and not explaining... I can install fine, but as soon as I try to run it ...blah Basically I dbl-click on the icon and my cursor changes to an hourglass and then back to the pointer. Nothing seems to even attempt to load.
  6. Grifta


    I resently tried it and it didn't work, did SP1 fix it or something?
  7. Grifta

    Problems with Warcraft 3

    There's also the fact that it would be pointless to have any other kinda of video card in that system. And, anything less powerful wouldn't be able to run WC3 very well