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Everything posted by Nick601

  1. Nick601

    Hard Dive Partitioning and performance question

    thanks for your help i have got more serious problems at the moment regarding my new motherboard - think it might be a dead on arrival job Nick
  2. Nick601

    Hard Dive Partitioning and performance question

    yeah i have performed a low leve format on the 30gb drive and the 120gb drive is new so i am definately starting from fresh lol i dont really see much point in making a partition on the 120gb drive and putting windows on it then having the 30gb drive as a files drive ill see how it goes i guess my idea setup would be the 30gb drive for windows and anti virus etc then everything else on the 120 thanks again Nick
  3. Nick601

    Hard Dive Partitioning and performance question

    i havent got scusi and i dont really want to get involved in RAID as im not too sure as to what it is - in detail i mean and would rather keep my system simple! Nick
  4. Nick601

    Hard Dive Partitioning and performance question

    i havent got any links but its something i heard on a forum i cant remember where so if i partition my 120gb drive as ntfs i should format my 30gb as 30gb as nfs too? nick
  5. Nick601

    Hard Dive Partitioning and performance question

    ok i wasnt thinking about having an NTFS file system, i heard that some games dont like it?? maybe you can clarify that !!! i would like to put xp on the 30gb drive and keep the 120gn as a single partition and use it for gajmes and files etc is ntfs better than fat 32?? nick
  6. Nick601

    Hard Dive Partitioning and performance question

    ok just to clear a few things up, my 30Gb drive is a 7200 rpm drive and also a maxtor drive like the 120Gb drive i have the 120Gb drive is the 8mb version if i put windows xp pro on the 30gb drive and have the 120gb drive as a single aprtition hoe much performance decrese am i likely to encounter? i just feel that keeping windows on a seperate drive might make it run better?? im still a little unsure what to do!! thanks very much for replies Nick
  7. Nick601

    Printers Printing Randon Symbols!

    Hi am am the I.T technician at a school and in one of our computer rooms we have 3 printers - 2 epson stylus colour 880s and one hp lazerjet 2100tn these are connected to a Netgear PS133 Printserver box on some occasions on of the epson printers begins printing randon letters and symbols and doesnt stop!! it will use all the paper in the printer - this occurs even if there are no visible print jobs pending it only seems to happen on the colour printers in this room i have no idea what is going on and we are wasting alot of paper wheile this problem is still outstanding! if anyone has any idea on how to solve this then it would be much appreciated Nick P.S if you need any additional information just asl lol!!
  8. Nick601

    Printers Printing Randon Symbols!

    hmm sounds interesting, i will perform a full virus scan and see what happens Thanks for you help ill keep you posted lol!! Nick
  9. Hi I have an Elite Motherboard Model K7S5A and i also have a Netgear FA311 NIC and a USB 2 Controller Card that i want to run at the same time in my PC When i put the NIC in the computer along with the USB 2 Card a number of different things happen when i turn the computer on. Either nothing appears on the screen, OR the computer looks as if it is rebooting itself as the DVD rom drive light keeps flashing OR a stop error appears saying "Primary Slave Drive is ATAPI Incompatible" My Primary Slave drive is my Creative DVD Rom i am completely confused on this!! i have just flashed my BIOS to update it to the most recent version and i am running a very clean version of XP Professional with SP1 there is nothing connected to the USB2 Card either Any ideas?? im concidering buying a new motherboard if i cant solve it!! thanks Nick
  10. Nick601

    Netgear FA311 and USB2 Controller Card Problem

    thanks for your help anyway im still considering buying a new motherboard !! thanks again nick
  11. Nick601

    Netgear FA311 and USB2 Controller Card Problem

    ok i disabled plug and play disabled COM Ports, Parallel Port, onboard USB, Onboard Game Port, OnBoard LAN (obviously!) and a few other things and it still didnt work it is a CLEAN install of Windows XP Professional with a flashed bios to the latest release the motherboard is an Elite K7S5A so still not working i really need 2 hard drives running so i didnt bother disabling one of them ill probably just stick with the onboard LAN its only a SIS based LAN onboard but still does the job, would have preferred the Netgear one though!! im not going to spend £70 on a new motherboard just so i can have a plugin NIC lol!!
  12. Nick601

    Netgear FA311 and USB2 Controller Card Problem

    a friend of mine also suggested disabling plug and play?? would that help?? i have tried placing the Network card in a different PCI slot (not the one next to the AGP) while the USB2 Card was installed and it didnt work so ill give your other options a go, havent had much time to look at it at the moment but will let ya know what happens any other possible ideas then let me know lol!! thanks again Nick
  13. Nick601

    power director don't work :o(

    do you mean when you install it or try to run it ?
  14. Nick601

    Netgear FA311 and USB2 Controller Card Problem

    hey thanks for the reply!!! havent had chance to read it all through properly one thing i am doing is running 2 hard drives (primary and slave!) on the primary IDE Channel the DVD drive is on its own on the secondary channel, just to clear that up!! i didnt think of disabling the onboard USB ill give that a go! when i put the cards in seperately like the NIC without the USB and vice versa then they work fine, its just when both of them are in together that the problems start so im not sure if its an IRQ problem? but it says there are no conflicts (if it ever gets into windows!) hope that clears a few things up!, when im next to my computer (at work at the moment!) ill give the other things a try! thanks again Nick
  15. Nick601

    fa311 and usb2 card

    hey thanks for the reply!!! havent had chance to read it all through properly one thing i am doing is running 2 hard drives (primary and slave!) on the primary IDE Channel the DVD drive is on its own on the secondary channel, just to clear that up!! i didnt think of disabling the onboard USB ill give that a go! when i put the cards in seperately like the NIC without the USB and vice versa then they work fine, its just when both of them are in together that the problems start so im not sure if its an IRQ problem? but it says there are no conflicts (if it ever gets into windows!) hope that clears a few things up!, when im next to my computer (at work at the moment!) ill give the other things a try! thanks again Nick
  16. Hi A while ago i set up a small network for a friends business, at the time i did not have much knowledge of networks and i now feel that they are not very reliable and could do with an overhaul!! The situation is this... The company has 4 computers, 3 of the are running Windows 2000 Pro with SP4, the 4th one is running windows 98 The office has 2 HP Printers which im sharing accross the network Each computer has a Netgear NIC (FA311) and all of these are connected to a Netgear Hub There is NO central server so they are all Pier to pier I have set the network up as a WORKGROUP and i am finding that the network is very very slow also some computers are not recognised by others on the network and the printers frequently stop working over the network. Also some computers disappear from the network and when they are seen it takes ages to connect to them! SO! with the info above, is a Workgroup for 4 computers pier to pier a good idea? what can i do to make the network more reliable? can i setup pier to pier computer on a domain or do i need a server for that???? The people that work in the office do not have a vast amount of knowledge of computers so i need something that will allow the netowrk to be more reliable and for the computers and printers to be recognised all the time on the network! im really stuck with what to do to make this network work better and be more reliable!! Thanks for you time and sorry for the long post!! Nick
  17. Nick601

    Help needed on a Network Problem

    in the office 3 out 0f 4 computers have 56k modems broadband isnt around our area yet i have also been told to buy a switch for the network and replace the hub this will make it faster apparently!
  18. Hi Hopefully i will be getting broardband in september my dads computer is next to mine and we share the phone line to connect to the internet (2 56K modems going into a double phone line connector) when broardband comes along there is an option from my ISP to have a LinkSYS thing? Which is a wireless network?? and allows 2 computers to access the broadban connection. I do have (not connected at the moment) 2X netgear NICS and a Netgear Hub - wired network obviously) - could i use this instead of the LinkSYS thing? how would the router be connected to the 2 computers?? dont really know that much about broardband and the hardware associated with it so you might have to enlighten me!! Thanks Nick
  19. Nick601

    Hard Drive Low Level Format

    Hi Not sure if this is in the right section but here goes... I have a Quantum Fireball hard drive and a Maxtor Hard Drive and i would like to perform a Low LEvel format on both of them. What utilities can i use to do this and is it fairly easy to do?? thanks P.S Sorry if this is in the wrong forum area as i didnt know where to put it!! ;(
  20. Nick601

    Hard Drive Low Level Format

    yeah but if you perform a low level format yourself it still erases the hard drive well doesnt it!??
  21. Hi I have an intell pentium 400 mhz with 256 mb of ram in the past i have had windows XP running on it when i recently came to install xp OR 2000 on it it crashes when the blue installation screen apprars in the xp/2000 setup any ideas why?? , i would really like to have xp or 2000 on my laptop
  22. Running Microsoft Exchange on a server and it is not receiving incoming mail any ideas??
  23. it doesnt give any error message it literally just hangs
  24. Hey people ok i have got Microsoft word 2000 and have been using this copy on my computer for a while now. The other day i printed out a project for university. I included page numbers in the footers. On the screen the footers showed page 1 of 4 etc etc but when the printed document came out of the printer it had page 1 of 1, page 2 of 2 etc !! whats going on! - the footers are appearing ok on the screen but not on the printed document!
  25. Nick601

    Printing headers and footers problem in Word 2000

    ok will do, in looking back i think its only ever happened with this printer but on the other hand my dad also uses the printer on his computer (we have a switch box set up) and it doesnt happen on his!!! hes running Windows ME and theres no way im downgrading to that lol!!