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Everything posted by Nick601

  1. Nick601

    External HP CD Writer

    What would a RJ45 network card have to do with a cd writer making the computer reboot just out of interest?? i will try it but i need to get onto the network to see if it works! worth a try i guess but just dont see how the two are linked
  2. Nick601

    Powering up Problem

    i am currently trying to fix a computer that has the following problem When i turn the computer on, there are no beeps and no display appears on the screen. I have checked all cables, replaced power supply, reseated processor and memory and replaced graphics cards and tried to get some life out of it however everytime i do this nothing appears on the screen the computer does not actually boot as there are no beeping noises and although you can hear the hard disk speed up when you first turn it on, there is no hrd disk activity after this Is the motherboard dead? this is what i am assuming right now! could it be the processor??
  3. Nick601

    Powering up Problem

    i have tried a processor from an identical computer in there and it still doesnt work so dont think its the processor, more like the motherboard i think
  4. Nick601

    External HP CD Writer

    thanks for that i might wait until Service Pack 4 to see if that changes anything?? i have tried confoguring the parallel port in the way you mentioned and this still failed to work properly do ytou think SP4 will make it work??
  5. Nick601

    External HP CD Writer

    one other this i just remembered i went to the HP website and searched fpr up to date drivers for the writer and it had a windows 2000 parallel port driver?? i downloaded and installed it and as mentioned above the computer restarts itself. would it be a problem with the parallel port driver and the mother board chipset drivers????
  6. Nick601

    Powering up Problem

    ok the motherboard is a KT7 Pro Version 1 there are 4 diagnostic lights between the parallel ports and the onboard sound - When the pwer is switched on all of the lights light up red, accoring to the manual this means that "system power is ON" !! i have tried changing the bios battery over and there is still nothing appraring on the screen when the computer powers up its a socket 462 processor and its an AMD chip Its a VIA Chipset and an AWARD bios The memory type is PC100 and the amount of memory inside is 64Mb
  7. Nick601

    Hard Drive Low Level Format

    a friend of mine has give me a dos boot disk with a utility called ZAP.exe on it, it returns the hard drive to its factory default my formatting all the cylinders and heads etc. Have tried it on my 30GB hard disk and it took about 3 - 4 hours to format it, it even gets rid of all partitions etc
  8. Hey Not sure whether this is in the right place but here we go.... EVERY Time my computer starts up it gets to the Windows 2000 Loading screen then a blue screen appears with the message: INACCESSABLE_BOOT_DEVICE if this is the first time this stop error has occured etc etc... if not run chkdsk check for viruses etc etc every time the computer starts up this problem occurs so i can no longer get into windows. also when in the dos prompt from booting from a bootable floppy disk i can access, C: and D: but the are more partitions for example F: and when this is entered a message says "Invalid Drive Specification" appears what can i do to make the computer work again!! the main thing is that there is important data on the C: and d: and also on the inaccessable F: Help please if you can!! Thanks
  9. Nick601

    Windows 2000 Startup problem

    ok so how do i do that exactly?? just boot off the win 2000 CD then press F6 ?? how do i know what to install??? i havent done this procedure before thats all Thanks Nick
  10. Nick601

    Windows 2000 Startup problem

    hey! ok the drive is still recognised in the bios definately sure on that as that was the first thing i tried nothing has been done inside the PC recently however it is a NEW PC that i built have no idea why the hard disk did last very long if it is dead? - just one of those things i guess im writing from my own PC so i can hook the drive up as a slave on my computer and see if i can get some of the data One more thing, soon as the BIOS recognises the hard drive does it actually mean its dead?? my current slave hard disk "died" i.e wasnt recognised on startup once but i have now got it working completely again by formatting it in windows. thanks for reply
  11. Nick601

    Toca Race Driver Problems

    I am having trouble running Toca Race Driver when i go to launch the game the screen goes black as if its going to start the game then the system returns to the desktop - no error messages appear or anything the game simply doesnt run! i have got the latest video card drivers (ATI Radeon 7500) i have disabled all antivirus and firewall software i have closed down as many applications running in the background as possible the game comes with its own version of direct x so thats up to date i have tried downloading the latest drivers for my motherboard but it is a SIS chipset and the website does not have any drivers for my model of motherboard! help!!
  12. Nick601

    Toca Race Driver Problems

    its got loads of series in in... TOCA Touring cars DTM (German) Touring Cars Austrailian V8 Supercars American All Stars (Nascar) Lola Sports Cars Southern European Challenge Series Northern Eurpoean Challenge Series Alfa Romeo <-- Spelling!! Series and loads more i cant remember all of them, story driven get points to go to the next tier etc very very good!
  13. Nick601

    XP Reboots With Toca Race Driver

    Hey I have got Windows xp Running on my AMD Athlon XP1800 with 512 MB DDR 2100 Ram i have a SIS chipset motherboard with integrated sound and a Redeon 7500 graphics card. The Soundcard is a C-Media sound card I also have direct x 9 installed my problem is that i can get into toca race driver successfully and begin a race but when i go back to the interface or menus from the race the computer either goes back to the desktop without any warning or error messages or reboots itself automatically!! i really dont know what the problem is P.S i have ordered an Abit motherboard but i am not sure if this will solve the problem (the one i have ordered is obviously brand new and up to date) if anyone knows can you reply as soon as possible as i might cancel my motherboard order!! thanks for you hellp in advance!
  14. Nick601

    Toca Race Driver Problems

    sorry i havent been able to get on the forum for a while. Toca Race Driver or its also known as Pro Race Driver its excellent!! www.bhmotorsports.com or www.codemasters.com you can see some screenshots of it - it rocks!! its fine i have managed to solve the problem - it was down to the physical memory being faulty! - well i think it was, i took the memory out and reset it in my motherboard and it works perfectly now!!
  15. Nick601

    XP Reboots With Toca Race Driver

    its fine i have managed to solve the problem - it was down to the physical memory being faulty! - well i think it was, i took the memory out and reset it in my motherboard and it works perfectly now!!
  16. Nick601

    XP Reboots With Toca Race Driver

    Hey I dont understand this bit of your reply sorry: downloaded (03.26.03.toca_race_driver_proper-immersion) or bought? if you mean the Toca game i have bought the full retail version i have ordered the ABIT KD7 as i thought it might be my SIS chipset on my current motherboard that could be at fault?? any thoughts on this?? im using the onboard sound which is a C-Media chip really getting desperate here cause i dont want to spend £80 on a new motherboard that i dont need lol!!
  17. Hi I have a Soundblaster live Audigy soundcard with Creative labs inspire 5.1 speakers running under windows XP, when the drivers were installed the sound that was produced was very muffles and sounded aweful im not sure what im doing wrong, i can only get this muffled sound out of one jack of the soundcard so im stuck as to what to do next! thanks Nick
  18. thanks for the replies, as i havent got the computer at my place i can only try these things on friday so i will come back if there are still problems! thanks again for your help Nick
  19. Ok my friends computer displays the following message when they SOMETIMES boot up to windows 2000, i say sometimes because the error is very random! some times it boots normally other times it doesnt. CONFIG-INITIALIZATION-FAILED If this is the first time press restart if not ................(not sure what goes here) Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed If new installation ask manufacturer for windows 2000 updates If this does not solve problem disable or remove any new hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. There is more to this message like a memory crash address at the start of the message Recently the computer was upgraded from 128 mb DDR ram to 512, i have reloaded the bios defaults and turned off caching and shadowing the only thing i havent tried is taking the memory out and re seating it any ideas please??? ;(
  20. Hi As the thread title suggests: i have an AMD Athlon XP1800 processor running on a motherboard with the model number of K7S5A im not sure if it takes 4 in 1 drivers but looking at the manual the chipset has Elite Group written on it?? Help would be appreciated!! thanks Nick
  21. Nick601

    Dark TFT problem....

    Hey a friend of mine has a 15" CTX TFT monitor, recently the image on the screen has gone extremely dark (you can hardly see anything on the screen) in the monitor settings the contrast and brightness are turned up to full what could be the problem? the monitor is a CTX PV50 something not 100% sure of the model thanks
  22. Nick601

    Dark TFT problem....

    ok thanks for your help, just have to go and break the news to them now thanks again for your help
  23. Nick601

    C&C Generals Problems...

    ok i have the following hardware setup AMD XP 1800 512 Mb DDR Ram ATI Radeon 7400 64Mb Graphics Card When i am playing C&C Generals it regularly crashes to the desktop with an error message saying "sorry, a serious error occured" or alternatively it reboots itself without any warning Please help!!! im using Version 1 of Generals i might install the latest patch to see if that solves anything, any other feedback would be good!! Thanks
  24. Nick601

    C&C Generals Problems...

    ok i have been having problems while playing generals (the computer reboots itself with out notice) still!! i have turned off automatic reboot and i now get a blue screen of death which has the following message amongst memory addresses PFN_LIST_CORRUPT any ideas???
  25. Nick601

    Dark TFT problem....

    P.S one more thing, i have a 17" TFT monitor and i dont want the same thing happening to mine"!!! how does this problem occur??? is it one of those things that just happens?? thanks again