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Everything posted by Sadashi

  1. Sadashi

    cmos error

    hi there! can anyone,someone, PLEAAASE help me out here! so everytime i boot my system i get the same cmos cheksum error... when i press continue xp loads but when i go into my bios setup and try to change the settings it doesnt change anything at all! cuz when i restart i get the same error... does anyone have any idea?? i've tried another mainboard...two other cmos batteries...but still nothing! oh yea also when i put in a startup disk i get an I/O error...blablabla.. so i can't flash bios cuz my floppy doesnt work!! Anyone....please??? thnx anyway!
  2. Sadashi

    cmos error

    thnx 4 reply! yea the bios is faulty for sure but the problem is i cant get into dos cuz my floppy drive all of a sudden stopped working!! i get the "I/O error remove disk and press any key"-error does anyone have an idea what may have caused this? could it be a voltage/power problem or whatever cuz half of the times i boot up bios doesnt recognize all of my devices(cdrw,dvd,hd40gb,hd8gb..) anyone?