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About tobymack

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  1. tobymack

    problem with win2k & scanner events

    normally I would agree with you. Yes, even in the short time I used it I liked win2k, it appears much more memory efficient, faster and coped with errant applications better. However, to be fair to win98 the only real problem I had with it was that it couldn't cope with the meagre 64M of memory I used to have. With 256M now that isn't a problem. All my other crashes etc with win98 could be put down to either errant applications or me doing something silly. Anyway, I don't appear to have an option! 1) install win2k 2) install sp2 3) install via chipset drivers (any version) 4) install twain/scanner (any version) 5) go to scanner control in control panel. Setup button click. 6) doesn't work 7) go back to scanner control. Crashes control. Needs taskmanager to kill. now the install doesn't get much simpler than that, I can even leave out steps 2 and 3 and it still dies. This coupled with a few more problems means that, on balance, win98 is actually better for me than win2k. Frustrating but true. Other issues are: 1) Can't get incd to work with win2k 2) Presto pagemanager won't register for scanner events. 3) changing screen resolution on the fly causes windows to do strange things. These are all things I use a lot so it was pretty frustrating. It is worth pointing out that even if the apps I have aren't the best (and yes, my scanner was made before win2k existed!), they are the apps I have and I am not prepared to spend money changing them just because the damn operating system doesn't like them! Don't anyone get me wrong, I am not knocking win2k. These issues are probably either specific to my setup or just driver issues. I might even have a hardware fault athough I'd be suprised if it gave such specific and repeatable faults. Anyway, I've now spent in excess of 10 hours trying to sort it when I have better things to do so I have given up for the moment. I've not given up totally though, I still have a spare hard disk so sometime I will put win2k on that next time I am bored and give it another try. That is it for now anyway
  2. tobymack

    problem with win2k & scanner events

    Well, I've reinstalled win2k, checked all driver/bios versions etc. Still no joy. Last night I re-installed windows 98 and it works fine! Very puzzling but win2k didn't give me any major benefits so it looks like I'll have to stick with win98. Shame as I liked the look of win2k. Thanks for trying to help! Toby
  3. tobymack

    problem with win2k & scanner events

    Yep, I meant Outlook for email client, I am using the default browser installation (IE 5?). Not sure about DirectX version though, I am using DX8.1 but don't know any more than that, it came with the drivers for my video card (MSI GF4). I'll check it out and use the NT ones if I am not already. I reckon my problems go a bit further than the scanner. Last night it crashed twice (vsmon.exe (whatever than is!) taking 100% of CPU) when browsing and reading news. Lets hope a re-install sorts it out! Thanks! Toby
  4. tobymack

    problem with win2k & scanner events

    Interesting, I reckon my installation order is more like..... Win2K SP2 or SP3 Internet browser- with win2k chipset drivers USB2.0 graphics driver and monitor DX8.1NT e-mail client then install device drivers and apps, plug-ins, etc. Not a significant difference I guess? I'll try a re-install this weekend if I have a chance.
  5. tobymack

    problem with win2k & scanner events

    Hi Packman, My board has a MSI with Via Kt333 chipset, it came with USB2.0 drivers which I have installed. I've haven't seen any microsoft generic ones but I'll have a look, it might be worth an experiment. I am also thinking of removing the USB2.0 drivers and just using the USB1 drivers just in case there is a problem there. I have tried just the basic windows imaging on its own (came with win2k so I guess it should work!) and also paintshop pro. No difference Anyway, things get stranger. Last night I was messing with the settings under control panel->scanners and cameras->Epson properties->events. Sometimes when I changed the event to use the next time I checked it had gone back to its default. The other half the time it just hung the control panel window so I had to use task manager to kill it. One thing I did notice last night is that the readme with the epson drivers say I should install them under admin login. I have been using my own login (the default one for the system). I tried uninstalling and going to admin to install but it made no difference I think I have a spare hard disc with win98 on it so I think my next step is to swap to that, upgrade it for the new motherboard etc and check if the scanner works properly. If it does I will upgrade it to win2k and see what happens. If that works I guess I have to re-install win2k on my main disc but I hope not!
  6. tobymack

    problem with win2k & scanner events

    thanks pacman. I have already tried v4.1 twain drivers. Not from the installation CD but from Epsons website. My installation CD says it will not run under NT and there is no mention of NT/W2K in the directory structure (only "twain", win95 and win98) so I left it alone. I just downloaded the driver, installed it, turned on the scanner and it PnP installed itself no problems- until I came to use it anyway!
  7. Hi All, I've just upgraded my PC (XP2000+, MSI KT3 U2, 256M, GF4ti4200) and at the same time gone to a clean install of win2k (inc sp2). Most things work fine but I am having big problems with my scanner. (Epson Perfection 1200) I downloaded latest twain drivers (5.53?) and everything installed fine. However, I am having big problems with scanner button events! Two main problems: 1) In scanner events (properties from scanner under control panel) I have two applications registered. Imaging and Photocopier. However, if I tick only one application it still pops up a window asking me which application to launch. Even if I tick neither box it does this. Basically it appears to be ingnoring the settings in the control panel! 2) I have Pagemanager (came with scanner) which was registered fine in my old win98 setup. However, under win2k it doesn't appear as a registered application for scan button events. I've removed and re-installed all twain drivers (and all version on the Epson site!), re-installed the scanner and re-installed photocopier and pagemanager and no difference. Any ideas before I go back to win98! TIA, Toby