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Everything posted by FatRakoon

  1. Mine certainly improves the look, but the display has only ever showed something up once! God knows why? Maybe its not wired up right cos its a bit OTT what I needed to do, just to get it to display the temp!
  2. FatRakoon

    Telling Win2k Pro to completely ignore a disk.

    I had the same problems... Linux on the primary Master, Windows on the primary slave, and it slowed to a crawl... Other versions of Windows does not do this, only 2K? Anyway, I simply disabled it in the Device manager. Cured the problem straight away, and this worked on 4 systems that were dual booting, so I seriously doubt you need to do all that stuff in the registry!
  3. FatRakoon

    what is the most reliable harddrive?

    I suppose a big factor, is pure chance! I for one have IBM Drives that have been running strong for years, but I also have a few that dies within weeks, and I still cannot get them RMA'd for one reason or another ) The one make that has served me well, without a shadow of a doubt, is most definitely Seagate... So much so, that I now run ONLY seagate drives, and so far, not a single bad sector... This is not a bad thing because I have quite a number of systems, all running 24/7 and the drives dont get a minutes rest. I now sear by seagate as opposed to swearing at IBM.
  4. FatRakoon

    Worms / Worms Reunited on NT or 2K

    I wnt to be able to play these games ( or other Worms games ) on either my NT or 2K Box. They work fine under 98 of course, but I cannot get them to even install under NT. Any thoughts?
  5. FatRakoon

    Windows 2000 shutdown

    Isnt it because of ACPI? In the device manger, does your system come up as a standard PC, or an ACPI computer? You really need to have ACPI enbled in the BIOS when you install 2K for it to be enbled othrewise, its hell to sort it out later apparently?