Yes, the drive was partially "fixed" under Norton, when I stopped the process, so there was probably something on the boot sector that prevented identifying the type of format, that is my guess, part of the drive was FAT and part was NTFS, even Partition Magic under DOS reported the 40G drive as two small partitions, a 2G and a 3 G and a smaller unformatted segment - totally wierd! Not a 40 G but a 5 G drive~!
There wasn't enough space reported to accept a new OS anyhow!
Anyhow I plugged the drive into another system as a slave and used Seagate Disk Wizard to remove all partitions, then formatted it NTFS, returned it to the troubled computer and installed WIN 2K fine from the CDROM. I never want to kill an ongoing process again, especially not a "Norton Emergency Repair" (lesson for the day: Seagate DiskWizard and Seatools are great to have for this kind of thing!) (Second lesson of the day: never get into this position in the first place!)
Thanks to everyone,
PS before you wonder why I killed the Norton repair, I can tell you because it was attempting to write (backup?) about ten zillion files to the floppy drive, after about 20 minutes of constant floppy drive activity, I decided that floppy drive was going to be toast before the process was even half done. If you ever go there you'll see what I mean!