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dr suds

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Everything posted by dr suds

  1. So I heard in another thread that my asumptions are true. I have an athalon 900mhz prossessor win2k, asus mb, video, micron ram running SOLID.. all untill I installed the latest direct x. Why oh why did I trust microsoft to come out with a product that actualy works? Now I reboot my machine 35 times a day. Hard lock ups. No mouse movement. Forget about the three finger salute. Anyone aware of any fixes, solutions, or *sigh* good sites on the long prossess of unistalation of direct x so that I can go back to v.7 ?? thanks!
  2. Also if your feeling leazy go in to your desktop properties and set your icons a little bigger press ok then go back and change them to the normal size. This invokes the same sort of thing.
  3. I'll back that up.. split partitions! Partition magic will assist you on this if you don't know how to use fdisk. Also it maybe better than fdisk if you are planning to keep your current OS instead of doing the whole thing clean.
  4. Here's all I've gotta say, I ran XP and it was a nightmare. Not because I couldn't use it. Infact I liked all the OS X rip off eye candy and the mediaplayer functions that I can't get in win2k. But win2k ran solid on my machine.. untill now.. (I installed directx 8.. that's why I'm here) -Zeek