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Everything posted by silvio3d

  1. silvio3d

    Outlook Express Problem

    very easy export the messages frome outlook express to outlook select the messages that you wont export, from the menu file, save or export , the messages in all the format thar you wont i have just test this system and a have export my email to an txt file and a XLS files in less then a minute (this is the first time i do this)
  2. is normal to receive thet error, you neen to autenticate to the win2000 first to enter in the share, you can also enable the guest account but this in not the best solution. you have to logon to the win98 with a user that exist in the win2000 server if you enter in the win98 and don't use a user you can't access to the network share, this is obviously bacause win2000 is a secure SO if you dont wont to enter the password every time you can enable the autologon but isn't good for the security
  3. silvio3d

    cannot login

    you have only to reinsert the pc in the domain, the utility NETDOM do this in console mode, you can use the gui mode go to yours nt 4 go in system proprieties change the domain to workgroup reset the pc reinsert the pc in your domain
  4. silvio3d

    Carmageddon 2 - Carpocalypse Now

    you have to crack tha game, the bug is in the protection of the cd , if you crack the game it will work, i have the file that you need, if you need them send me a email and i will give you access to my ftp to download them. But first search to internet, i found the crack somewhere
  5. silvio3d

    Carmageddon 2 - Carpocalypse Now

    I have found a fix that work at the 100% in 2000 and XP, you neet to crack the game!!!!!!!! i have the original game to,but don't work if i don't crack the securom , the bug is in the cd protection , not in the game , i have found this fix 2 year ago and work perfectly