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About Janusz

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  1. Janusz

    please help; i can't play games :(((

    no; there's no problem with installation; this problem occurs when i run game.exe
  2. i've got Heroes of Might and Magic 4 and Icewindale 2 and problem with them; when i try to run these games some strange error is shown (text is in Polish because i am Polish but it doesn't matter; it means that my game have made an error: improper page in module or something like that): HEROES4P spowodował błąd: nieprawidłowa strona w module ~DF394B.TMP przy 0167:0139e8ed. Rejestry: EAX=00004ffe CS=0167 EIP=0139e8ed EFLGS=00010212 EBX=00000008 SS=016f ESP=00d0ee1c EBP=00d0ee28 ECX=00ad8000 DS=016f ESI=00e7e85a FS=0f9f EDX=00000007 ES=016f EDI=00000d55 GS=0000 Bajtów w CS:EIP: 0f b7 44 08 02 d1 e8 83 c0 07 99 f7 fb 03 f0 47 Stos: 01e9000c 01f67d34 0154e1c0 00d0ee48 01360dc0 00005004 3de22b56 00000000 01e9000c 0154b0f0 0154e1c0 00d0eec8 013dc0a0 00400000 00000000 000d8f0b pleeeeeaaaseee help i don't know anyone who could help me