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Posts posted by DS3Circuit

  1. Just a couple of quick comments to make ya smile.


    Originally posted by ds3circuit:

    Firstly, the caliber of people that participate here are not the typical script kiddies who just got their dell cause their father maxed out the credit card.



    LOL! Ya meenie... hey, we all gotta start someplace!


    Good glad someone got a laugh out of that.


    True! That's part of what Clutch & me got into it over... lol, he quoted me & changed my nick from "AlecStaar" to "Blabbertron" & that PISSED ME OFF, lol! So, I fired back... but, no names from me, just said basically "Hey, man, why the names...? It's your standing here, not mine!"


    LMFAO!! That Alex made my night. Thank you for sharing what the "plonks" were all about. I had an insane day with the HelpDesk being "slower" then usual. wink That statement made me choke on a chips a hoy lol


    I agree about the search function, though as you said, google has done quite well in indexing this site. Hey those novels you write maybe the next Dilbert 8) Ya never know

  2. HA ! The local ISP that we deal with is unable to support BGP. So basically we got 6 T's going into a DigitalLink IMUX. Tried the Larscom IMUX but it was worth even less.


    A few more Ts and we will be on the same price for a T3 (going by mileage of course smile )

  3. Direct Cable Connection



    Network connections - if both PCs have NICs you could use a crossover cable with statically assigned IPs.


    If you have a SOHO network then just do file transfers.


    As you said, install the old hard drive temporarily into the new machine (watch jumper settings)


    Burn the files onto a cdr and move them that way.


    Use a 3rd party app such as http://www.eisenworld.com/file-transfer-between-computer.asp


    In the end, you just need a medium that is present on both machines to do the transfering. Since you said your previous machine is rather old, I would suggest trying to remove the HD first and placing it into the new machine. Then going with the USB/Firewire/Network transfers.



  4. Right off the bat, since you are a student, a discussion about benchmarks, fps, and application compability seem to me, be on the back burner.


    At this point in your life, I would heavily suggest a PC. They are far more dynamic, flexible, and cheaper for a future college student (I am correct in assuming this??)


    If and when you decide to continue your graphics career, I would then re-exam the possibility of getting a mac. The industry of mass communication favors the mac platform (at least from my point of view).


    In the end save your money. Buy a console and mod it for games, and get a decent machine for schoolwork.


    Just my two cents. smile

  5. Adam brought up some good point. I'll just add a few more.


    You can always build a user profile with the current specifications and add it to the Default User profile. All new created profiles from then on will receive those settings.




    you can either temporarily elevate the user's privliges


    EPAL would do this. Though is maybe a security risk.




    The best way of course would be GPOs attached to OUs containing User Accounts were you could manipulate default settings.


    Ping us back if you need more help.

  6. 1. Are they all in the same Workgroup?

    2. Can each of the clients ping the other?

    3. Can you browse each machine by going through the UNC path from START \ RUN \ "\\Mymachine" without the quotes (or "\\") ?

    4. The windows firewall is disabled?

    5. Simple file sharing is disabled?

    6. As a side note, double check your Share AND NTFS permissions.

    7. An internal LMHOSTS and/or HOSTS file may help resolve internal names.


    The computer browser service is what establishes what you wish to view in My Network Places. It is an unreliable / archaic method to retrieve machine share information. It is based on timed (though sometimes sporadic) broadcast advertisements. I would recommend using static drive mappings to those shares as they are MUCH more stable.


    I would also search this forum as I am sure that myself and others from APK, clutch, and Adam have covered this topic in great detail.


    http://www.wown.com/ is the place for all your SOHO networking needs.



  7. To expand more on the driver theory, the original NT 4 print drivers were written for kernel mode access. From 2000 on up, they are now in user mode access. Now I realize this is a scanner, but hey ya never know.


    A "Stop: 0x0000000a" Error Occurs After You Install an HP ScanJet 5100c or 5200c Scanner





    I would rip it out in Safe Mode and then follow the directions above.


    HTH laugh

  8. Depends on the enviroment and the user base


    Firewalls could be anything from hardware to software based.

    Watchguard, raptor, sonicwall, and as adam mentioned, pix.

    ISA, Zone Alarm, and Tiny for software bases.


    You might want to add more information so that we can have a better understanding of your requirements.



  9. Well I just spent some time going through the posts in this thread. The title most certainly caught my eye and I did wish to add a few comments to this fray.


    Firstly, the caliber of people that participate here are not the typical script kiddies who just got their dell cause their father maxed out the credit card. I believe that user base is growing far faster than the one that this board caters too. Correct me if I am mistaken, but arent most of us power users, developers, administrators, and engineers? Its difficult to find a forum that is as professional as this one.


    Just look at neowin, activewin, and iexbeta as examples. If I read one more post about "pictures of your workstation" or "photoshop this" I would cry laughwink


    Secondly, with regard to the posts of some of the members here. Look at it this way, we learn something everyday. Be it from the tangents of a posted idea to a direct answer. If you dont wish to read the post, I'm sure we are all capable of pushing the down arrow button laughsmile


    Finally, most of you are correct in the fact that some of us have experienced points in our lives where we werent able to fully pariticipate in this forum. I myself took a year to finish a degree among other personal ventures. But hey, we always come back for more lol


    Whew .... well that was refreshing. Hope you folks dont mind the $0.02 I wanted to throw in. 8) And Philipp, you are doing a damm good job.

  10. Event ID 49 Is Logged After Adding Random Access Memory



    Event ID 49 After You Start Your Computer



    Event ID 49 Entry Is Added to the System Event Log When You Use the 3GB Switch in Windows 2000



    As per Microsoft: "A Memory.dmp file is created when a kernel mode STOP error occurs on a computer that has the "crash dump" feature enabled. If the page file is unable to accommodate a Memory.dmp file, debugging the problem is not possible. The page file is configured for crash dump when your computer starts, and the behavior described earlier in this article is logged when the physical memory on the computer is greater than the size of the Pagefile.sys file.".


    Q319931 refers to all W2K servers: This problem is caused by a bug in the Memory Manager when it tries to allocate a contiguous run of free memory" and provides a fix.


    I just wanted to add some quicks links and quotes that I saw in my travels to help resolve your issue.


    Ping us back with the answer smile

  11. 3dfx has been out of business for quite some time now. I would HIGHLY suggest getting a new video card.


    Hardware review sites:






    I personally am a big fan of ATI.




    Opinion time smile Wow a 3500. I remember saving for one many years ago, I loved the TV on it. Shame they were never meant to work on P4 boards (something about the AGP voltages IIRC)

  12. Quote:
    2. Is your 98 Machine fully patched and updated?

    It's supposed to be. How do I make sure if it is?

    By Running http://windowsupdate.microsoft.com

    3. Is your AV off during this install?

    What's my AV and how do I turn it off? If you can't tell, I don't know much about computers.

    AV = Antivirs (norton, macafee, trend micro, sophos, AVG)

    4. On a lesser note, are your video drivers updated?

    Video drivers should be updated.

    What type of card do you have?

  13. Quote:
    Number 1: I have the Windows XP Home Edition on my other computer. A few days ago I was on the computer and it said I was extremely low on disk space. I tried disk cleanup and it would not run. I have a 60 GB hard drive, and it says I only have something like 52 MB of space left. I deleted all my temp files, songs, pictures, and programs that I don't use anymore, and it still left me with very little disk space. Not sure what to do there. Again, disk cleanup will not run for some reason.

    Disk Cleanup Tool Stops Responding While Compressing Old Files

    Disable Low Diskspace Notification

    I would love to know how you "trashed" the disk space counters on your machine. How much actual free space is left on the drive?

    Number 2: Although the computer runs very slowly, it still runs. So I was trying to install software for a new mp3 player yesterday, and it said that my software did not work correctly. So i hit "cancel installation", but it finished anyway, and then prompted me to restart my computer. So I clicked restart, and then when it got back to the logon screen, I clicked "Owner", the name on which I always logon under, it said "Loading personal settings" and then it just restarts. I kept trying, it just keeps saying "loading personal settings" for about 30 seconds then restarts itself all over again. Not sure if the mp3 software had anything to do with it. I uninstalled it and everthing, and still does not logon.

    1. Does this profile load in Safe Mode?
    2. Do you have a fully updated antivirus running?
    3. Have you gotten rid of spyware? Adaware? Spybot? Webroot?
    4. Anything in the event logs?

    Need more information to help you further. Ping us back laugh