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Everything posted by DWB

  1. DWB


    I would like to know peoples feelings on XP. I want to install it but heard there were many problems with my games. We play all of Novalogic's Delta Force games on our network. My computer is a newer one with these components: gigabyte P4 Titan 533 GeForce 3 Ti200 128MB DDR Samsung 40x 12x 40x CD-RW Sound Blaster Live 5.1 DVD w/WinDVD eVision 123 Digital Camera Samtron 76V Moniter 512 memory Any suggestions in this manner will help in my decision. Thanks, DWB :x ;(
  2. DWB

    TECH STUFF (maybe)

    My computer would not boot up. I tryed everything I could think of. It would not even let me boot from a floppy, fdisk, dump it, or go into DOS. I took it to a computer shop and they told me it was the hard drive. I put a new hard drive in it and works fine, but my curiosity is killing me since the old HDD was not that old. My personal feeling is that the old drive lost all the DOS commands. Anyway I was wondering if I took my D:drive out (since I have 2 hard drives, C and D) and installed my old drive can I save the info on it or even format (dump) it. My concern with this is the O/S on the old drive. Will it interfear with the O/S that is working or is there something else I need to be concerned with. I am very new to computers and have taken a computer maint. course in college. My next semester will be more involved, networking, ac/dc curcuits and so on. I am running 98 second edition on both of these HDD's. I want to run XP so I am trying to figure all of this out. Any help will be appreciated. I think this site is great so far. I just became a member 12/16/02. Thanks, DWB :x ;(
  3. DWB


    Thanks for the quick response. I am running 98 second edition. I think I have all the drivers that I will need, so here it goes. Thanks again, DWB