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About DEvans

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  1. DEvans

    ECS K7S5A Mobo

    On my mobo, this is very intermittant ... I can just turn the PS off, wait a few seconds, then power up and usually it always boots on the second try. It isn't worth it for me to keep opening the case for a once a day problem that's so easy to work around. But I'm hoping the BIOS update will cure it once and for all.
  2. DEvans

    ECS K7S5A Mobo

    Hello Mark .... I have almost the identical same system you do with the identical same problem. Hit the power button and .... nothing, except the disk and DVD led flash every once in a while. I was wandering the Internet and saw your post. I now realize I don't have a broken mobo [its only a month old]. We have to be dealing with a BIOS bug. So I went to www.ecs.com.tw and search their support FAQ. Sure enough, this problem is there with a BIOS update proven to fix this problem. Go to ftp//ftp.ecs.com.tw/bios/k7s5a021001.exe I wouldn't worry too much about losing any data on your hard drive if the BIOS update screws up. This may leave your mobo upable to boot, but all the HD data is untouched. Just read and totally understand the instructions before you do the update, follow them to the letter, and you shouldn't have any problems. I've done FLASH updates for years without problems ... all you have to do is leave it alone while its up[censored] ... and hope you don't take a power hit while its working.