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Everything posted by poopster

  1. poopster

    Device manager hangs and does'nt respond

    Cheers m8 gave that a shot and installed the latest drivers and hey presto Device manager now works Thought this problem was never going away...... (Should have used the Force ) = really happy
  2. poopster

    Kiky X-series

    Lo all Kiky X-series probs (ps2 to usb controller adaptor) Doe's any one have one of these that actually works on win xp. The games hang and dont respond once the adaptor is installed, but when you unplug it the games work but you have no controller.. All the drivers are installed ok and it appears to be fine just will not load games while pluged in any ideas
  3. poopster

    Kiky X-series

    Please let me know if they work for you. Just cause they worked for me dont mean that they will work for everyone please post a reply so I will know cause if they dont work I will remove them! Good luck!
  4. poopster

    Kiky X-series

    Soyo have developed a new set off drivers, they just aint put them on there web site. So I have put them onto my site if you want to give them a shot goto the following link. Bear in mind they are not my drivers and I have only put them on to my site to help you all. IF The Drivers Do ANY DAMAGE to your pc I will not be held responsable. Install at your own risk but they have worked for me!! http://www.poopster.co.uk/poopster.co.uk/page5/page5.html
  5. poopster

    Game probs please help

    ;( Hi all My youngest son bought a game called London Racer and is very upset as the game loads on to the pc but when he tries to play it it crashes out and gives the error: Fout Unhandled Exception. Then goes back to the start. Has anyone got any ideas how to get this game to run. The pc is on Win XP pro. and is with a 64meg G2 graphics card with a 1.2 gig AMD processor so it should run this game. It works on Win ME but there is no way I'm putting that on. I'm all out of Ideas PLEASE HELP!!
  6. poopster

    Game probs please help

    Boo Hoo Still never worked but thanxs anyway's
  7. poopster

    Game probs please help

    Cheers Hood I'll give it a shot and see what happens. This may also cure another problem that I have with not responding with a forced feed back controller Have a Happy new year m8 :x
  8. poopster

    Game probs please help

    But ive already done that still getting the problem.