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Everything posted by PatK100

  1. Hi Guys, I am wondering if I can appeal to the good nature of some of you Linux experts out there, first of all I know nothing at all about Linux but have a considerable knowledge of both IBM Mainframe operating systems and PC's running DOS, Netware and all Favours of Windows. I have had no experience of either Unix or Linux so I thought I had better catch up and get myself educated in this area. Because I can not afford to buy another PC and do not want to destroy my Windows setup which I use everday for business I though I would I would install VMWare 3.2 and try installing Linux in a virtual machine running under Windows XP. I have downloaded Lunux Mandarke 9 as a starting point as the guys at work say this is one of the best Linux systems around and knowing no differnt I have taken their word for it. The poroblem I have is that when I try to install the system it goes OK until it formats the disk, the system then recovers and tell me to reboot and then hust hangs !!!! My questions are simple:- How do you reboot a Linux System ??? How do you reboot when running under VMWare ??? Does anyone have any comprehensive instructions for an install of this nature ??? If any of you good people out there feel that they would be able to offer me any assistance I would be extremely grateful. Please feel free to email me direct. BTW I hope you all have a Very Properous 2003. Many thanks Pat