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About Griffin5150

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  1. Griffin5150

    Difficulties playing FFVII on PC

    Update: Alright, I give up. Final Fantasy VII has held up under my seige and defeated me. I have literally tried everything I can think of. And every time, it hangs up and doesn't even read the disc. 'Course, it probably doesn't help too much that I have a burned copy of this game (my brother-in-law burned it for me as a Christmas gift several years ago), but I figured that it shouldn't pose too much of a problem, since my computer can read it fine, and if my computer can read it fine, why shouldn't FF7? But, nonetheless, after weeks and weeks, I have now officially broken down. I have around 7 bucks, so I'll persuade my parents to take me to a Funcoland tomorrow, and I'll pick up a copy of FF7 and download ePSXe. Thanks for the tips, at least. One last thing: any tips for getting ePSXe to work on my computer?
  2. Griffin5150

    Difficulties playing FFVII on PC

    Okay. I have a feeling I'm going to hate myself for this later, but right now I'm installing Service Pack 3... God, I hope that this doesn't screw up my computer... *prays vehemently* Well, on a lighter not, if you see me again, you'll know that it worked. ;( EDIT: Yay, it worked. And it has slayerui.dll, too! Double yay!
  3. Griffin5150

    Difficulties playing FFVII on PC

    Well... my dad's computer at work has high-speed access and CD Burner... but my computer hasn't been too good at reading (or even RECOGNIZING) burned CDs. My dad tried to bring a copy of Norton Antivirus for Win2K home and install it on our computer, but it wouldn't work. Also, recently, my dad tried to play a music CD on our computer he had burned... it wouldn't read it. Plus, even if it would work, I doubt that Verizon (the company my dad works for; he basically makes sure everybody gets paid the right amount of money) would be too pleased if he used one of their computers simultaneously for personal AND illegal activities. So, it's a good idea, but I don't think that it'll fly.
  4. Griffin5150

    Difficulties playing FFVII on PC

    Yeah, I looked at that place. In fact, that's where I downloaded the Applications Compatability Toolkit from. Thanks for the advice, though, I'll search the forums. (One thing, though... I don't exactly have gold-lined pockets, if you know what I mean... *sigh* Ah, well. I guess if my dad'll let me, I'll order it from Microsoft's website... or wherever you get that thing.)
  5. Griffin5150

    Difficulties playing FFVII on PC

    Here are my system specs. I have an HP Vectra Pentium 4 1.4 Ghz. I do not have a video accelerator card. My sound card is a Mad Dog Prowler Soundwave 4.1, and, naturally, I have a 4.1 speaker system. I am running Windows 2000 Professional (no Service Pack), upgraded from Windows NT 4.0. Recently, I have been trying to get my copy of Final Fantasy VII for the PC version running on my computer. I've run the config program, and everything checks out. I tried to play FFVII. I got a blank screen. I tried to mess with the settings. It outright CRASHED until I set them to their original settings, and I was back to the blank screen. I tried downloading the Applications Compatability Toolkit from Microsoft's website... and it says that I need Service Pack 3 to run the program. I tried the method posted at http://www.activewin.com/tips/win2000/1/2000_tips_43.shtml, but I don't have the slayerui.dll file it says I need to access. I am not about to try downloading Service Pack 3, since my modem is a hella-slow 56K modem, and I have no clue as to what it will do to my system, and I am nervous about messing with the settings, since I have had several bad experiences with W2K, such as it displaying the Blue Screen of Death when I tried to start it, and losing sound when it froze on me once. I was referenced here from the Gamingforce Forums by somebody who said that this site had helped them get FFVII running on Windows XP. Is there anything that I can do to get this thing running? I am not going to install Windows 95 or 98, since I am afraid of losing W2K, which besides the lack of compatability isn't a bad OS, AND my system is only designed for NT Workstation 4.0 and W2K Professional. Oh, yeah, and don't tell me "Download an emulator and the ISO's, idiot" or "buy a PS2." Unless, of course, you're willing to supply me with a PS2 and a copy of the game... So, is there anything that can help me run this game, or am I doomed to playing it on the junk computer in my parent's room?
  6. Griffin5150

    Difficulties playing FFVII for PC

    Gee, thanks for the OH-SO HELPFUL advice. And would you like to provide the oh-so-insignificant item known as MONEY so that I can OBTAIN a playstation? Or would you rather provide me with a broadband modem and another hard drive so that I can download a PSX emulator AND the ISO's for the 1+GIGABYTE'S WORTH OF DATA THAT MAKES UP THE GAME! ;( Seriously, I am really strapped for cash (as in I don't have a job, have no allowance, and only got like 20 dollars from Christmas), so I'm looking for a way to make what I actually HAVE work with my OS. If you don't have a way to help me do that, then please don't waste my time by posting things like "download the ISO's" or "Install a new OS, idiot." Hmph... EDIT: It's amazing what you can find when you look around... *shrugs* I've downloaded the app. compatability toolkit version 1.1 from this site, and am trying to run QFixApp with the game. However, I am unsure as to waht fixes I should apply to the program. I also discovered that I chose the wrong forum for this topic. Stupid me... :x
  7. Griffin5150

    Monitor is VERY dark

    This exact same thing happened to me on my old computer. If you've tried everything you can to get it working, then you're outta luck. Better start saving up for that new monitor... although if you're getting a new computer soon, but need to use your computer NOW, you can find some used monitors cheap... around 40 dollars. Downside to this is that the monitor is almost always defected in some way (the monitor I got this way has a tendency to switch color palletes so that everything is more bluish... or more greenish... or more purpleish... you get the idea) or has a very short life. Still, if you plan on buying a new computer, then this is your best bet.
  8. Here are my system specs. I have an HP Vectra Pentium 4 1.4 Ghz. I do not have a video accelerator card. My sound card is a Mad Dog Prowler Soundwave 4.1, and, naturally, I have a 4.1 speaker system. I am running Windows 2000 Professional, upgraded from Windows NT 4.0. Recently, I have been trying to get my copy of Final Fantasy VII for the PC version running on my computer. I've run the config program, and everything checks out. I tried to play FFVII. I got a blank screen. I tried to mess with the settings. It outright CRASHED until I set them to their original settings, and I was back to the blank screen. I tried downloading the Applications Compatability Toolkit from Microsoft's website... and it says that I need Service Pack 3 to run the program. I tried the method posted at http://www.activewin.com/tips/win2000/1/2000_tips_43.shtml, but I don't have the slayerui.dll file it says I need to access. I am not about to try downloading Service Pack 3, since my modem is a hella-slow 56K modem, and I have no clue as to what it will do to my system, and I am nervous about messing with the settings, since I have had several bad experiences with W2K, such as it displaying the Blue Screen of Death when I tried to start it, and losing sound when it froze on me once. I was referenced here from the Gamingforce Forums by somebody who said that this site had helped them get FFVII running on Windows XP. Is there anything that I can do to get this thing running? I am not going to install Windows 95 or 98, since I am afraid of losing W2K, which besides the lack of compatability isn't a bad OS, AND my system is only designed for NT Workstation 4.0 and W2K Professional. So, is there anything that can help me run this game, or am I doomed to playing it on the junk computer in my parent's room?