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About doniej

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  1. This is really going to sound like a "BIG DUH", but I have a question. My nephew, who is very computer savy, says I don't have to shut my computer off at night, that it's probably harder on it to power it up every morning than to leave it on. I disagree. Could some of you clear this up for me? Which IS the best for my computer? ;( Please settle this for me! Thanks.
  2. doniej

    Error message...what does it mean?

    No I don't have MSN 8. I will do as you suggested though, and uncheck script debugging. I didn't even know what it was! DUH!?*# I'm such a dork! :x
  3. doniej

    Error message...what does it mean?

    Thank you for taking the time to answer my post. I think you may be right about IE. I wasn't trying to run any sort of program or anything like that. I was just surfing. If it helps, I did scan disk, defrag, and virus scan, and all was well. I really don't know what other kind of info to give you. What do you suggest? If it is IE, is that a bad thing or just something to ignore?
  4. ;( Could someone out there PLEASE help me out. I have never gotten any error messages before, but all of a sudden this one keeps popping up: "A runtime Error has occured. Do you wish to debug? Yes or no. Line 6 error: object required". The second message was the same except the line number was 36. :x Then....about 10 minutes later, I got this message. "Runtime error. Do you wish to debug (I don't even know what "debug" means). This time, it was line 52, w/ error: 'null' is null or not an object. I really hope someone has some input on this. I would very much appreciate your help.
  5. I was wondering if anyone had some good advice as to what is the best "FREE" popup killer for XP? ;( I've read about them all...just about, but I trust your advice as to which one is "really" good. Any advice will be much appreciated.
  6. Could someone help me out? What should I use on my computer... 16 or 32 bit, and why? I have it set on 16 bit at the moment. ;(
  7. doniej

    What's a good ISP to use?

    Does anyone have any sugestions on what ISP is better than most. Aren't there some cheaper ones out there? I use MSN right now. Also, is DSL worth the money, if I were to decide to go that route? Thanks!
  8. doniej

    Logitech won't install in XP

    Thanks Jerry and Alec. I agree with you, and will take your advice. I'm really new to this forum, but I like the way it's set up. I used to go to the Pitstop forums, which have great pople over there giving good advice but I think this will be my main place to come to now. Again...thanks for taking the time to answer my question.
  9. doniej

    Logitech won't install in XP

    I have an older model Logitech Digital Extreme WingMan joystick. I bought it about 4 years ago when I was running Windows 98 on a Gateway. I now have a Dell that uses USB ports to connect my hardware. I have an USB adapter on the joystick, but It says it's not configured right to download it...even with the setup disk! I didn't know they had to be configured. My computer supports Plug-n-Play, so I thought it would detect it and install it that way. Maybe I just need to buy a more up to date joystick? I would appreciate any help you guys have on this subject. Thanks for listening!
  10. doniej

    Tried a NEW AntiVirus program today: It's Good!

    Quote: I tried the Free one from AVG, & it is pretty good stuff (as well as being up to date)! * It seems to do the job! (Anyone else give this one a shot? If so, what do you think??) APK P.S.=> Occasionally, I like to try other programs... Big Norton AntiVirus "fan" (actually, long time user unwilling to experiment) over time since the early 90's... but this AVG one's alright! apk I simply love AVG. I have had Norton (big resoure hog), but AVG does a great job. I wouldn't switch even if Nortons was free. I've also used McAfee. Still no comparison.