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About gunnerhkjp

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  1. gunnerhkjp

    Outlook 2002 out of memory error

    I gave it a go after your suggestion, but no go. The error stating that outlook has run out of memory still shows up. Does anybody know of an alternative email client that allows me to automatically save attachments with a specific subject header?
  2. gunnerhkjp

    Outlook 2002 out of memory error

    Thanks for the replies The server is a MDaemon mail server (version 4 I think). I'm starting to think that outlook 2002 handles large mail downloads badly.
  3. gunnerhkjp

    Outlook 2002 out of memory error

    >Do you have rules set up to filter mail out? >have a rule set up to delete all of the junk mail? The problem is that the mail has to be read into the computer first before the rules can take effect. The error happens during the download. For example, if I have 3000 mail to download, all would be fine up to about 1000 mail (with the rule working properly), after which the outlook error message would show up. >Got SP 2 installed Yes, and all the other patches found on the office update site.
  4. gunnerhkjp

    Outlook 2002 out of memory error

    Hi. I hope somebody here can help me out. I run microsoft outlook 2002 in the office. I get about 300 emails a day. When I'm out of the office for a week or more, the mail builds up to 2000 or more. The problem is that when there is that much mail on the pop3 server, outlook 2002 gives an error during download saying that it is out of memory. The computer I have is a pentium 4 1.8A with 512MB memory. I would ideally like to continue using outlook, since I have a need to automatically save attachments with a certain email subject header to a specific directory, and a program called "casaveatt" does exactly this for me. This program only runs in outlook. This is not an isolated problem to just my computer. All the other computers in the office have the same problem when dealing with large number of mail in outlook. I feel that if there is a way to download a fixed number of mail (say 300) at a time, this problem can be solved, but I don't know how to go about this. I appreciate any help. Thanks