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Everything posted by zei

  1. Hi, now after the weekend and some help I arrive to see cdrom and diskette without problem and also the touchpad as ps2... the graphic is ok with vesa, but certains games in the section play of mandrake hung because of the not accelaleration of vesa... So: if you use mandrake if fstab to see the cdrom and the diskette you do not have to use sueprmount (it's only in mandrake) but mount , as normally is used as in red hat... I think there aren't the drivers for the supermount able to change from cdrom to diskette directly as for windows xp... On th contrary if you use simply mount you the cdrom, you umount, you change and you put the diskette at the place of cdrom and you see it without problem... In my fstab: /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy auto noauto,user,defaults /dev/scd0 /mnt/cdrom iso9660 noauto,user,defaults,ro For the error as ghost: PCI:Device 00:1f.1 not available because of resource collision there is always at the beginning of my boot... I looked in the configuration center of mandrake at the voice iformations and you see in the section memory that the famous 00:1f.1 correspond to an ide interface... So as ghost said is correpsonding to a part of memory... So I think that is this kind of laptop maybe the cdrom and th diskette have the same interrupt so linux says that at the beginning because it doesn't know that cdrom and diskette are interchangeable and it has no drivers for this.. After this I haven't revealed no problem apart the ati... I'll do some more check, I will tell you...! Let me know you too, thank you... Bye to the next...!
  2. Hi, I have the same problems with mandrake 9.0, I resolved using a vesa card for the graphic, but I still have conflicts problems at the beginning, moreover I have difficult acces to the cdrom and the disckette, sometims after longtime I have acces sometimes no it hungs... Ghost did you solved? Do you still have problems with the conflict? And for cdrom and disckete did you had problems? Thank you, please help me...!