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About danillini

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  1. danillini

    Shutdown --> Saves Settings --> Freezes --> Unplug

    The problem is on multiple Dell Demension computers all running Windows 2000 SP3 with the latest updates. I've tried reinstalling from scratch without success. The computers simply go to log off or shutdown and then hang. The hard drive is completely done writting and accessing, but it does not complete the process. I believe the problem orginates from either SP3 or one of the Microsoft Windows updates. There is no info in the MS knowledge base about this issue though. I have closed down all available processing threads and the problem still exists. I have tried up[censored] all the hardware with the latest drivers, direct from the manufacturer without success. I desperately want a solution to this one, but I feel it will be another MS issue that magically works after SP4 is installed. Event viewer and such is not helpful because this occurs after the computer stops recording info. One thing I've noticed is that running a chkdsk will sometimes fix the problem temporarily even though it finds nothing wrong with the drive. Any thoughts????