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Everything posted by theefool

  1. theefool


    Originally posted by theefool: Quote: IEradicator will remove IE (only for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium and Windows 2000(sr1)). I've had no problems. I usually use this to fix IE. Let me clarify, I use IEradicator to fix IE when there is no viruses and spyware on the machine. Only when IE still doesn't work, that is.
  2. theefool


    IEradicator will remove IE (only for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 98 Second Edition, Windows Millennium and Windows 2000(sr1)). I've had no problems. I usually use this to fix IE.
  3. Then you have to hunt down the linux drivers for everything. Oh, and if you can't get online, you are stuck until you get to another computer to find out how to setup networking in unix...er I mean linux. And if you are using a gui to install linux, or worse use that KDE junk. Then you don't really understand unix...er I mean linux. Try installing and configuring Unix (Solaris/HPUX) on a real box(non x86). All command line. This post was targeted at the unix poster.
  4. What IDE controller are you using? Some of the newer IDE controllers newer than ata 66 might require drivers before the OS can be installed. I had an old Abit board that required drivers before I could install win2000 and XP when it came out.
  5. theefool

    Norton Internet Security 2005

    There are a couple ways of fixing this. One is my prefered method, but not a very user friendly method. My prefered method is editing the registry, and removing everything symantec and norton. Then doing a find/search for all symantec and norton directories. The "easier" symantec way : Removing Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall 2005 from Windows 98/Me after Add/Remove Programs does not work http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/tsg...v=&osv_lvl= Removing Norton Internet Security or Norton Personal Firewall 2005 from Windows 2000/XP after Add/Remove Programs does not work http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/tsg...v=&osv_lvl= Anyway, I posted both ways. Since you never stated what OS you are using.
  6. theefool

    Please have a look at this system

    Just as long as you realize the fastest cpu you can put in that board is a 3200 + (Athlon XP). They are still out there. I think newegg has them for $182.
  7. theefool

    Very NOVEL & UNIQUE idea for running IE more securely

    When I was in the military, we use to do similar to the same thing on our NT4 network. That was back in '99.
  8. theefool

    Unountable Boot Volume

    Can you give some system specs? Like what operating system (os) you are using?
  9. theefool

    Win98 after WinXP???

    Look into partition magic, or another boot manager.
  10. This is just their monthly security update. Though, broadband helps. Or just download them from work, burn on cd or usb disk.
  11. theefool

    Help me please with vb6 installation!!!

    Sorry, about that, I've seen that error with config.nt so many times, that I just went on auto-pilot. instead of config.nt, try autoexec.nt or, try renaming autoexec.nt to something like autoexec.bak and see what happens.
  12. theefool

    Riddled with adware win2000 server.

    You can actually stop the shutdown process by going to Start, then Run and running shutdown -a shutdown -a ---->stops the shutdown process.
  13. theefool

    New Browser Exploit ?!?

    Actually, it use to involve IE, but IE stop supporting IDN.
  14. theefool

    Help me please with vb6 installation!!!

    Well, copy config.nt from your repair directory. Click on start, run, and type in CMD then hit enter. at the "dos prompt", type in the following. Hit enter after each line. cd %windir%\repair copy config.nt ..\system32 if it asks for you to over-write a file, just say yes.
  15. theefool

    Exchange running slow on WIn 98

    Just out of curiosity, how much space do you have on your hdd? Also, how large is your email profile. Oh, and how many emails do you have. File size helps too. Now, if you are talking about exchange/outlook, how large is your .pst file? Anything really large can and will slow down outlook.
  16. theefool

    Erratic framerate drops on FX Go 5700

    What resolution are you running these games at? Also, why a laptop? Just curious.
  17. theefool

    Office 2K on XP?

    Yes, you can install and run office 2k on an xp box.
  18. theefool


    Best thing I can think of is the policy editor. --> gpedit.msc <-- xp pro only (I think.....) This is both a powerful tool and a deadly tool in the wrongs hands.
  19. theefool

    Batch file help... determine drive it is run from

    well, you can do a CD command that lists the current directory. Redirect that to a text file, then do a FOR loop to extract the c:\ portion. Been using batch files since '83.
  20. theefool

    can't view vcd smoothly in my pentium I pc

    Try copying the VCD to the hard drive. Try resizing the video smaller. If all else fails, chip in the $5 to upgrade your processor and motherboard. I use to have A P2 300 that was bad at playing dvds.
  21. theefool

    cant use 40GB harddisk in my pentium I pc

    Another thing to try is to partition the drive in small 5 mb or 8 mb sizes. See what happens.
  22. theefool

    IE Stops connecting

    Can you ping from the "downed" machine to your router? What about through it to an outside source? If you can't ping your router, can you telnet into the router and ping the downed machine?
  23. I'd do a repair installation, with your original XP disk or a slipstreamed XPsp2 disc.
  24. theefool

    Can't log into Windows XP pro

    Another thing to try. When you are at the logon screen, hit CTRL + ALT + DEL two times in a row. This will bring up the "old" Logon prompt. It will ask for your logon (login) name and password.