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Everything posted by theefool

  1. So, esentially, you want the default user account to have the shutdown and reboot disabled? I believe it is the following HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\Policies Add dword NoClose = 1 (computer shutdown) NoRun = 1 (Gets rid of Run ... handy if the user knows how to enable shutdown via the command prompt. Two ways..Either the shutdown command or rundll32 command) The following link may be helpful to remove ctrl+alt+del (or may not) http://www.ntcompatible.com/thread26898-1.html Also, A list of all known policies and their registry entries. Since what the policy editor does is add entries to the registry... http://www.microsoft.com/resources/docum...entry/GPRef.asp
  2. theefool

    Friday the 13th

    Hmmm, sata raid on linux. Raid 5?
  3. theefool

    Mother board, Multipliers, Anyone?

    What motherboard, and cpu do you have? Jumpers are two little pins that are on the board. Usually they have this plastic piece on them. When this piece is connected to both of them, this usually refers to being on (1). When it is off of it, then it is off (0). CPU multiplier is what determines your speed of the cpu. If you take the multiplier of the cpu multiplied by the system clock speed, you get how fast your cpu is.
  4. theefool

    Windows Xp crash

    What os is on this laptop? XP? What about service pack? Also, goto control panel, run SYSTEM (or right click on my computer and go to properties). Next, go to advanced tab, click the settings button within "Statup and Recover". Under system failure uncheck automatically restart. Also, bring up your event viewer. Start, Run, type in ---> eventvwr, hit enter. Take a note when the eventlog has started up. This signifies (normally) when a computer has restarted. Now, previous to the date/time, you may or may not see any red x's. What are they? Also, the next time you get a BSOD please post the exact error.
  5. I have seen the windows 2000 3-1 technet cds.
  6. theefool

    Sound Hardware - onboard or addon?

    I heard about that too. It was mostly a rumour post at some tech site.
  7. theefool

    Use disk image to build identical pc's?

    Ah, yes, sysprep. Newsid was for NT4. Getting things mixed up in my head.
  8. theefool

    Use disk image to build identical pc's?

    Won't the computer SID need to be change also? Newsid?
  9. theefool

    Formatting a partition.

    But, command line is the easiest way to get things done. No point and click mistakes!
  10. theefool

    GPO issues? Help...

    This may or may not help.... http://www.microsoft.com/BusinessSolutions/Community/gp_using_named_printers.aspx Or maybe it will point you in a better direction.
  11. Or do a tracert to the server, then ping the first hop, which will give you the time that the packet was sent and received. Hmmm, probably not what you want to do.
  12. So far, everywhere I looked "3 in 1" refers to the leaked/illegal/pirated VKL version. Does your cds have the holographic/reflective display like most MS cds?
  13. theefool

    Installing Problems with xp corp SP1

    Need some more info. What OS are you running? What programs are you trying to install? What are the actual errors?
  14. I never really liked that extension for Firefox.
  15. theefool


    Not that I like NIS. But, it won't hurt to have both. Some say NIS is sufficient.
  16. I'm sure there are hundreds of sites to choose from. Here is one: http://www.dslreports.org/tools No one site is better than the rest. It all just comes down to your location. Also, network congestation helps things to (hampers?).
  17. theefool

    How to compress 1gb of files into 700mb cd ?

    It all depends on what you are trying to compress. If you are trying to compress movie files, good luck. If you are trying to compress pictures, allso, good luck. Normally, you cna only compress %10. Normally.
  18. Personnaly I think those little microfilters are useless. Back when I had adsl in 1999, living in Norfolk, VA, we didn't have those stupid little microfilter phone jack thingamajigs. The phone company made a change to my phonebox outside my apartment. That was it. Never had a problem. No audio problems or anything. Now I live in Indiana, SBC uses those microfilters. I'm on cable now, so I don't have to worry about them. Anyway, a friend of mine usually has 5 of those filter things at his house. He says he has them cause the filters can go bad. Hmmm, probably didn't answer your question there. One note: ADSL back then was $100 a month from the phone company, I used this other fortune 500 company that was $75 a month 1500/768.
  19. theefool

    Batch file Creation

    Hmmm....what about.... copy con hello.bat @echo hello ^Z
  20. Ya probably meant "moshi moshi", which is a phrase that is commonly used in Japan when answering a phone.
  21. theefool

    challenge: batch file programming

    No problem. A few years ago I and my friend made scripts for work. He'd write them in perl and I'd do dos batch files. Both the scripts did the same, we just tried to see who can make a better version. In the end, we just did it to challenge ourselves. Lotsa fun. Especially when it comes to sorting within a script.
  22. theefool

    Batch file Creation

    Though, I usually, have two cmd prompts open, one has edit the other I use to run the scripts.
  23. theefool

    Batch file Creation

    When creating batch files I still use edlin...err edit..
  24. Yes, you can freely turn off the dsl modem. You just lose connection to the internet. Turning it back on, will re-establish that connection.
  25. theefool

    challenge: batch file programming

    Why create a batch file for deltree when you can just download it? http://home.kooee.com.au/kingull/deltree/DELTREE.zip also rmdir and rd are the same thing.