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Everything posted by ViolentGreen

  1. ViolentGreen

    1 Second Stop ?

    Something else I thought of. It might be the PSU dying. If it can't supply enough juice for your processor, video card, hard drive, cdrom and whatever else this could happen.
  2. ViolentGreen

    AMD To be a threat to Intel?

    Heres a good read... http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=st...h_amd_stocks_dc
  3. ViolentGreen


    I am having some performance issues all of a sudden. Explorer is freezing quite often. I noticed that I have a lot of extra processes running that weren't there several months ago. Specifically, I have noticed gearsec.exe running. In the services tab, it's listed as Gear Security: CDRW Support. When I right click it and go to properties, I get the following message, "Configuration Manager: The specified device instance does not correspond to a present device" Anyone have any idea what this is? Edit: The last thing that I remember installing on this machine was iTunes. I do not use it to get on the net so I'm doubting spyware.
  4. ViolentGreen


    Quote: Gearsec comes on all Windows Server 2003 boxes now, and I am pretty sure it has started showing up on XP as well. When we started testing 2003 en masse, we would get occasional errors about gearsec not starting. The application belongs to some company (I Googled it few months ago checking it out) and it appears the MS is licensing it for their OSs now. What exactly does it do? I am 99% certain that it was not on my machine before installing iTunes. iTunes installed a butt-load of stuff and turned them on by default. I assumed it was one of them. I have seen on several sites that iTunes needs gearsec.exe to have any access to a cdrw
  5. ViolentGreen

    1 Second Stop ?

    Quote: Have done what you said jmmijo to no luck,when pressing print screen key nothing happens. Have got microsft keyboard,key says(printscrn\sysrg) can you help please. Try alt-printscreen. I have had problems like this before. It has always been due to a scratch on the disk in the cdrom. If this is happening for all games, you might try using a different cdrom if you have one.
  6. ViolentGreen

    If you have not seen it yet, & like films in theaters...

    Yeah, my brother saw an advance screening of it 3 weeks before it came out. He said it was great. Bad Santa is a good one too. Very dark humor. It's pretty memorable.
  7. ViolentGreen


    Well I guess I should have done some googling befoer I posted. Turns out that that gearsec.exe is one of the buttload of things iTunes installs and turns on by default without telling you. I'm tempted to just have a second windows installation to put iTunes on so I can use my iPod.
  8. Quote: Quote: Quote: That was what I tried to begin with. Doesn't work. Just flashes the .bat on the screen for .2 seconds then closes. No ping is done, no log is created. Thank you for your reply though. Strange, it worked perfectly for me. -bZj I found where my problem was. Now it's working as it should. Is there a way to timestamp the log? In your .bat file have the lines Code: echo ---------------------------echo %TIME% %DATE% >> c:\log.txtping -n 5 www.yahoo.com >> c:\log.txt That will give you the timestamp (in the format "11:26:24.88 Thu 12/18/2003") right above the ping results.
  9. What about just putting this in a .bat file and running it as a scheduled task? Code: ping -n 5 www.yahoo.com >> c:\log.txt
  10. ViolentGreen

    Best Webmail

    Can someone recommend good webmail service out there? I want something with a fairly decent mailbox size limit (around 50 MB or more) and I am not above paying for a service. I am considering fastmail.fm. Does anyone have experience with fastmail or can the recommend a different service?
  11. ViolentGreen

    DVDR drive problem

    Quote: I will try that...but let me show my ignorance: what is the proper procedure for uninstalling the drive and having it redetected? I have Roxio easy CD Creator 5. Thanks a lot for the help btw. Not sure what OS you are using... If you are using XP or 2000 you can right click My Computer, click the hardware tab and then click Device Manager. Expand the DVD/CD-ROM Drives entry. Right click on your DVDR and choose uninstall. Reboot. It should automatically detect and install the drivers.
  12. ViolentGreen

    VB In MS Excell

    I have this huge, long, nasty query embedded into an excell maco that pulls in data from ODBC connection. After the data arives, I want to make some modifications to the data. I am trying to run the function to modify the data right after the connection is added with Code: With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection......End WithFunction() The problem I am runnign into is that it tries to run the function before the data reaches Excell. Is there a way that I can tell the function to wait until the data transfer is complete to run?
  13. ViolentGreen

    VB In MS Excell

    Quote: Quote: I have this huge, long, nasty query embedded into an excell maco that pulls in data from ODBC connection. After the data arives, I want to make some modifications to the data. I am trying to run the function to modify the data right after the connection is added with Code: With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection......End WithFunction() The problem I am runnign into is that it tries to run the function before the data reaches Excell. Is there a way that I can tell the function to wait until the data transfer is complete to run? Possibly.... if you are directly loading this into a sheet in excel, check to see if a certain cell's contents are not still "" (or NULL). That's your "start execution" flag... & if Excel's VBA sheet level object has a timer on it, there is your ticket... have it keep scanning for that empty cell content, & when it's NO LONGER EMPTY, run your macro from that timer. Another way is to load the sheet to a file instead of directly into excel, & check its size (or even existence) with the same timer method. My advice is lookup timers in Excel's VBA help... I had to do that in Access a ton of times, it exists for the form level object there & can be utilized in this manner. If it does not exist for sheet or worksheet level objects in Excel, try an ActiveX control -> http://activex.microsoft.com/controls/iexplorer/x86/ietimer.cab APK Wow.... Talk about flashback... I eventually got around it somehow, though I dont' remember how. It seems like there was an option in the Add member that would specify whether or not to run the query in the background. I can't remember if that did it or not. I much prefer controling the threads myself. Not a big fan of the VB here... The syntax is too lenient and unstructured for me. Not as much as AppleScript. I don't see how anyone can use it.
  14. ViolentGreen

    nForce PCI BUS locked?

    Quote: Does anyone know if the nForce2 chipset has the PCI bus locked? I have the MSI nForce2 Delta-L and have the bus up around 205 for a 166 based chip. Seems to work ok, just want to know if I am frying my PCI devices. I am nearly certain that it is locked. You might check the nforcershq forum though.
  15. ViolentGreen

    What's better a OEM Raedeon 9200 or a Retail box 9200?

    Quote: I'm looking at getting a Raedeon 9200 for a second system that I'm going to build. I don't think there is a lot of difference in the actual card. You might have to check what accessories/manuals come with it. The OEM might not come with any cables or adapters that might be included with the retail version. I don't know where you are planning on buying it but I know newegg will usually show an image of exactly what is included. I know I have bought OEM CD drives that didn't come with the cable to the sound card or screws. Works great though.
  16. ViolentGreen

    Thinking of upgrading to 9800 Pro...

    What's going to happen after the 9900? Are they going to call the next one a Radeon 10000 or change the name? Radeon 10000 doesn't sound right...
  17. ViolentGreen

    Dual Booting XP and 2000

    I am going to try to install XP on a 500 MHz machine that has 2000 already on it. I plan to put it on as a dual boot to start to make sure it will perform well. How exactly does this work? Are their seperate windows folders for each instalation? Do the applications cross over between the installs or do you have to install it two times? If I decide to keep the XP install how much trouble is it to remove the old 2000 install??
  18. ViolentGreen

    Dual Booting XP and 2000

    Quote: All you need is a free partition that doesn't already have an OS on it. You cannot install WinXP in the same partition as Win2K, it will have very bad results. Once you have found an open partition simply stick the XP disc in your drive while in Windows 2K. It will then ask you if you would like to do an upgrade or clean install. Select clean install. Then when the blue setup (DOS mode) screen appears make sure you tell it to install in the open partition and not the one 2K is on. If you wish to get rid of 2K, edit the boot.ini, tell it to only go to XP OS. Then you can simply delete the folders on the 2K partition like Winnt, program files, Documents and Settings, etc. Make sure you have backed up your data first. I see. Does 2000 or the XP install have a option to repartition the hard drive? I believe that the xp disk managment console can do that.
  19. ViolentGreen

    The best defraggers for disks and registry

    Quote: I moved from up here in my native N.Y. State in the U.S.A down to the Gulf of Mexico in Alabama (mobile) Wow...that's one extreme to the other. Was there any culture shock? The south is quite a bit different from NY.
  20. ViolentGreen

    Enough with the pop-ups already...

    Quote: Firebird has a plugin that requires you to click on flash you want to view... VERY handy. What is this plugin called? I am very interested in it.
  21. ViolentGreen

    ie links open in tiny window :(

    Quote: firebird, never heard of that one, any good? i guess that is a stupid question as u use it so it must be good! Maybe i will have to check it out ! You got a link or shall i just google? Thanks RF Really? I'm suprised. It's the best one out there as far as I am concerned. I use it on windows, linux and Mac. Pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing and the ability to block ads with a right click are some of the hi-lights. Here's a link http://www.mozilla.org/products/firebird/
  22. ViolentGreen

    ie links open in tiny window :(

    Quote: yeah i tried that during the day and found it to work !! thanks for replying RF Yeah, a lot of times when web-sites resize the window, it tends to stick. I don't use IE much but I know in Firebird theres a setting where you can disable the javascript-based resize. I don't know if IE has it but it might be worth looking into.
  23. ViolentGreen

    ie links open in tiny window :(

    Quote: when i open links from a web page in ie they open in a new but TINY window can anyone tell me what to do... i am guessing it is a reg entry but i have had a quick look but no luck..... thanks guys oh i have XP with ie 6 Try resizing the window to the size you want and then control-click the close box. That might do it for you.
  24. ViolentGreen

    Issue with Asus Probe and Limited User Accounts

    Quote: yea - try giving full rights to the asus probe folder alone - i often dothis on systems @ work where i dont want to do permissions much - i just give acess to folders like SETI full rights and it seems to work Well that didn't seem to do the trick. Do you know how to disable the probe for only that user?
  25. ViolentGreen

    What is this rubbish?

    Quote: yeeeouch! Geforce FX 5600 runs at $93, FX 5800 at $193! I might have to live with my MX 440 a little longer The brands are all generic. There is one called AGPTEK, one called Inno3d, and one called eVGA. I have tried evGA before for my GeForce 2. Does it matter which brand I pick? Sometimes the cooling mechanisms are different. I would go to a site (such as newegg) where they have pictures of the cards to make sure it fits any cooling requirements you might have.