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About last-signal

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  1. last-signal

    Is your son becoming a hacker?

    Where to get Quake and join ?
  2. last-signal

    Anti Virus Program

    Which anti virus program is best for Win2k Server ? Thanks
  3. last-signal

    Boot Files problem

    thanks all you guys alottttttttttttttttttt
  4. last-signal

    Detect Smartdrive

    yeah , I boot from CD , and it copy installation files from CD to computer , since it didn't detect smartdrive , it takes a very long time to copy . ;(
  5. last-signal

    Detect Smartdrive

    When I install Win XP , my computer can't detect Smartdrive even though I run smartdrv.exe before installing ? How can I make it detect Smartdrive ? Thanks
  6. last-signal

    Boot Files problem

    I copy Boot.ini , ntldr and ntdetect to a floppy . however , it can't boot bacause those files are hidden ( DOS can't read ) , I want to uncheck Hidden in File Property of those files , it didn't work 'cause the Hidden button also hidden .( System files ) Any suggestion ? Thanks