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About Chacal

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  1. Chacal

    M$ SideWinder Controlers Softwares

    Well, thanks for your help. I knew those would be the answers. I don't know WHY microsoft do not spend few hours to make thousands of ppl happier. For me, XP isnt the best OS ever just because of this little missanderstanding. (hope its correct )
  2. First of all, this is my first time posting here so I donno if my problems have been posted b4. Second, english is not my first language, pls dont laught (there isn't third) I know many ppl that "dual boot" their computers just to have their SideWinder Controler Software working. Is there any way to make theese softwares work under WinXP or 2k? Or maybe another 3rd party software... I really LOVE WinXP but I'm with WinME because I need those softwares. If some1 know anything that can solve this problem, pls, heeelp me!