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Everything posted by Corvus

  1. Corvus

    Hey! I'm a senior!

    Does that mean you'll be retiring soon too? )
  2. Corvus

    Linux television commercial!

    First time I saw the ad was on the net.. ) But lately I have seen the lonely one more often. I think there are 3 or 4 different ones I have seen so far. I like the idea very much. Better then stupid windows flying around or people with them.. ) (gravity and glass shards.. body.. not good .. ) )
  3. Corvus

    Why are you running Linux?

    Very good gravy. I too hope it won't be too much longer. It isn't so much the bring down M$, but more Bringing in someone else who is more .. friendly. in alot of different ways. Mostly user.. ..uh.. when you get use to it Quote: Actually, M$ began to go downhill when they began to 'replace' DOS with Windows, but that is just my opinion. I think that is close to true.
  4. Corvus

    Why are you running Linux?

    Hey.. why do you laugh so? Oh.. sorry.. M$ & It's source.. ) Bill or Mac'84 ? )
  5. Corvus

    Why is it...

    ..Yeah. D rolleyes Umm.. what ever do you mean? my neighbour Asks for some help to correct something and he'll say .. that is what you did the last time to get it to work.. and after deleting them it didn't work again. so that is no good. ARGH x ) No he really does that.. atleast once a month, he decides that he will delete files that he thinks are no good or that he hasn't used for anything. Perhaps I should throw him into linux.. atleast then I could prevent him from seeing anything that requires root access. But that is different from the forums and having someone ask. (most times) ) I kina expect the question was asked because they want an answer. I suppose their ability would suggest how through the response is. And there is alot out there for those looking. Helps when you know where to look, or who to ask though.
  6. Corvus

    Why are you running Linux?

    Quote: Answer to Question 799a * The sound you hear is friction from the base of the machine rubbing against the garbage chute on it's way out of the building. I have a nextdoor niegbour who tosses his machine against the wall on a regular basis. He once passed me a CD and asked if I could put it in my dirve and run it. (It is a cd for his Voodoo card) hea was having problems after deleting all of the files that ended or otherwise had "VGA" in the file name or description, because he had a ..<I have no idea>.. m- Sure.. Humm not working. n- Nope.. and it wont work in mine either. Can you fix it? m- *take the cd out.. notice spiral scratches ..(like a record)* um no I can't. n- Why not? m- By any chance when you opened your CDROM was the cd still spinning? n- yeah.. I pushed it into the tray thing untill it stopped. I think the tray is busted too. m- ..and you ask me to fix it? n- yeah. it's just a little scratch. " It spins up but it won't slow down My cd is spinin' round an' round.. Open the door and it flies on out Hits the wall and I scream and shout: Abra-abra-cadabra That should fix it up.. Abra-abra-cadabra Abra-abra-cadabra (Hey have you got any duct tape?) Abra-abra-cadabra... "
  7. Corvus

    Why is it...

    Although there are stupid answers, there's no such thing as a stupid question. right? )
  8. Corvus

    Why are you running Linux?

    How about when you HAVE the REQUIRED driver, but Windoze says it is no good, you need a newer or same driver? ) HALLOOOO.. ?
  9. Corvus

    Why are you running Linux?

    ) Yeah.. windows didn't (even after installing some drivers _again_ ) recignise a few things. If anyone wounders XP(.. forget ME - go back to 98SE) . I kina found it useful (to me) to place things where I want. "Hey..looky that.. I found it! and so fast!"
  10. Corvus

    Why are you running Linux?

    Ranting an raving can be fun. ) (especially with M$ involved ) ) true Linux is getting better in regaurds to ease of installing, and users can use it like windows. Some programs are just in a different place (and named differently too.. boo-hoo Ever look at someone's machine that they setup themselves anyways? Granted file names are basically the same.) So much for huge learning curve, but then some don't like a slight bend. I think one of the better examples is RedHat as it ID all of my hardware correctly (Minus one of the two on-board NICS). And basic graphical layout is similar enough to get one started with out knowing anything. Oh well... atleast with the one that works I can find drivers for the second. Hey.. look.. very little rant 'n rave.. But can't that go without saying? ) hehe
  11. Corvus

    Is this how your Windows install performs?

    Hey.. you know what? That version is 100% Reliable. You know just what is going to happen each time. Unlike SomeONE else's OS; where even they don't know what is going to happen with it. )
  12. Madcatz Panther XL & Logitech Wingman Interceptor. These are 2 of a collection of joysticks that I would like to use again. Neither company seems to have what I am looking for. (something that works ) ) Does anyone out there have or know where I can find working drivers or a good outline to build some that could work with any. Thanks (added) Oh.. and non-USB as neither seem to like being used with adaptors. Bah.. who cares if it works! ) Maybe I should check that out..?
  13. Cool thanks. I had no luck within windoze.. and was woundering about Linux. It is almost like they don't care about the old. ) Oh well.. why bother with New if I can get these to work ? ) Later.
  14. Corvus

    Which Linux is Better and Why?

    SuSe was a contender.. but I forget why I opted out. Still have RedHat and Mandrake.. But I am just looking for something different. Gentoo was the one I ended up choosing. I like the idea of custumizing the OS for my needs. (Still kina thinking about Linux From Scratch.. but I think that might be a more then I want to chew.) ___________________ I am hungry.. But not starving for knowledge )
  15. Hi how are ya? I have DLed Mandrake 9.1, RedHat 9.0 and FreeBSD 4.8 ( possibly some others ..I have a few that I haven't really looked at..Debain, Slackware and others..humm just for fun I looked..Vector, Freevix, Orange, Byzantine, Censornet, Gentoo, Coyote, Lycoris, Knoppix, YellowDog, ..uh.. amoung some others.. Tom's fit on a floppy one. It has been a long time since I was into ..Unix.. AT&T still had some arguments..(I was using BSD) Now Linux seems sooo much more then M$'s windowz.. Urgh.. Need air. On to the subject at hand. I want to get back. But I still need some of my Win(x) files.. So I belive I shall Dual boot.. ..Humm what ever happened to C/PM? And everyone's PET? ) ..the C=64c? ok here is what I have.. ASUS A7N8X Deluxe ( I just happen to like ASUS.. A friend of mine just happens to like MSI.. he like Windows too crazy ..well nobody's perfect ) ) AMD 2800+ (caught the price drop.. used previous buget for ..frills..) ATI Radeon 9700 Pro (heard horror on it's install) WD 120Gb (plenty 'o space for 2 OSes) (2) Corsair CMX512-3500C2 (want it in Dual DDR) 550W p/s (no worries there.. ) LG CD-ROM..48x or 52x..? forget and not printed..no biggie) (or LG DVD-Multi GMA-4020B ) I know of problems with one or both NICs..and the Nvidia chipset..and sound ..and seems like the list goes on when you look around. As for which distro.. I kina like Mandrake over RedHat.. Haven't used much for others.. ..nothing recent to be sure. I have seen a few posts that were close to what I have in mind. So I am figuring on some problems once I settle down to finnally install.. rolleyes Oh well.. So that would bring me to seeing if anyone else has had success. There was another forum I was posting in a month or so ago.. but.. ? forget.. Bottom line? I don't want to run into any problems .. lol .. ) on first shot-in-the-dark.. Any suggestions on how to pull this off? Thanks. -Corvus
  16. In my case it seems to be. (I haven't had time to install again. .will be trying again soon enough though).. ..sleepy.. x) latERlier
  17. Hi all. After trying install I found out that there was an important command that wasn't in the install text. ) oops. ) (Thanks to a fellow that posted a step-by-step who included a missing step) # mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc # cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/ # chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash # PKGDIR=/usr/portage/packages/ <-------this one was missing # env-update # source /etc/profile Oh well. Typos happen. and it is easy to forget even important stuff sometimes. As I don't have that particular machine connected to the net I went with Stage 3 and GRP. Files are on 2 CD's. And with that I don't need net access. (which I don't want until I fell I have most everything secured.) It may not be for "newbie's", but I am to old for that )
  18. Corvus

    Why is it...

    Umm.. what do you mean? ? ) Not that I am asking of cource.
  19. Corvus

    Is this how your Windows install performs?

    I had to see it again )
  20. Corvus

    Why are you running Linux?

    Hey.. notice how People know there is another OS and how they don't use Linux because their favorite application runs on it. ) Humm.. I THink only one of those answers would be "0" anyways. ) Those that use the site KNOW Linux exists. And those that really don't probably never will be seen here ) Oh well. -Corvus
  21. Cool. Thanks.. I have some but I don't think it was either of those in particular.. (DLed for MDK 8.2/9.0 RH 9.0..none there for 7.2.. Bah.. Oh well) And kernal RPM.. might come in more handy as I don't think I will be using others.....But have enough Disk space to install a few flavours.. -Corvus
  22. not the thanks part.. that should have been thanks.. (Now just as soon as I get a few other things worked out (I can install Linux) )
  23. I wounder how distant I would have figure that tho?.. I knew there was some extra.. I think I will go with #1 then. From one description I had it was the other way around. Thanks. Just as soon as I get a few other things worked out. )
  24. Went wiith 1.4rc4 and all 3 stages tarballz.. I figured why just basic? ) ..besides might want more.. ) looks like it uses packages too..(Like RH or MDK..) rpm! ) Bah.. brian no work in the light.. -Corvus