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Everything posted by egorgry

  1. egorgry

    How many distro's have you tried????

    I started with Redhat 5 moved to mandrake 7.0-9.1 then switched to debian unstable just for apt... and the debian community is great too.
  2. egorgry

    Gnome 2.4 on Debian unstable

    did you apt-get update first? or try the -f options like Philipp suggested. I installed 2.4 fine here is my ../apt/sources.list if you are interested deb http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ sid main contrib deb-src http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/ sid main contrib deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US sid/non-US main contrib deb-src http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US sid/non-US main contrib #added for Mplayer deb http://marillat.free.fr/ unstable main # Monkey Bubble deb http://monkey-bubble.tuxfamily.org/ ./ Let us know how you make out.
  3. egorgry

    DVD Burner

    Anyone have any expierence with DVD burners? I'm looking to buy my first and was interested in the Sony DRU510A but I want to make sure it's gonna work in Linux. Any suggestions or info would be greatly apprieciated.
  4. egorgry

    DVD Burner

    Quote: I have a dvd300i will it work with any version of Linux and which one. That's an HP, right? I'm now looking at the TDK, pionerr, and Plextor offerings. I will be using it with debian/unstable 2.6 kernel. Thanks.
  5. I have a logitech scoll mouse with MDK 9.1 and it works great.