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Everything posted by egorgry

  1. egorgry

    External USB Hard Drive

    A friend of mine picked up a 300gig Maxtor. It works well in XP. Linux, and OSX. he does video editing and says it not the fastest drive but it gets teh job done and 300gigs is huge. I just got a usb 2.0 hdd case and put a unused 4gig laptop drive in it. I think it cost me 25 bucks at newegg.com.
  2. you can get the boot images here for mdk http://mandrake.cict.fr/official/10.1/i586/install/images/ and rawrite here http://www.tux.org/pub/dos/rawrite/ Let us know if you need anything else.
  3. egorgry

    Untitled thread

    I stand corrected and I'll never use it again. Viruses all the way.
  4. egorgry

    Modified FSTAB?

    Makes sense. I'm impressed with your knoppix knowledge. I wouldn't have guessed that in a million years.
  5. egorgry

    Modified FSTAB?

    I've used redhat 5.0, mandrake 7.0-8.2 before I switched over to Debian/Sid. I've never heard of not being able to modify the fstab. even hp-ux and solaris allows you to make those changes. Seems weird to me. Anyway it's good advice for knoopix users.
  6. egorgry

    about LILO bootloader....

    If you want to boot that linux disk in another system follow these instruction to make a boot floppy. Then just fdisk the mbr using a windows boot disk. lilo on a floppy http://home.att.net/~lilo-boot/liloflop.htm
  7. egorgry

    Kanotix + Partions = Hard problem

    I'm not sure if you can resize a fat32 without destroying it either. anyway I reread your post and I'm not sure what you wnat to do. Do you want to shrink the fat32 down and make room for a linux or get rid of it all together.
  8. egorgry

    Modified FSTAB?

    good one HoldgerH. LC, did you first create teh mount point as a directory? sorry I should have mentioned that in my reply. mkdir /mnt/monkeyland
  9. egorgry

    Kanotix + Partions = Hard problem

    hmmm? Is the windows partition NTFS? Does anyone know if you can shrink a NTFS part with out destroying it? I don't know a way to do it.
  10. egorgry

    Novice installing linux...

    Fedora comes with a rescue or recovery option on the first install CD, I think? Boot that baby up and follow the instructions in teh link below. From what I understand fedora has an issue with this. http://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-devel-list/2004-May/msg00908.html I know the article refers to FC2 but it's pretty generic so it should work for you. If some fedora user knows better please jump in.
  11. egorgry

    Installing Firefox

    You can install mozilla anywhere you like usually it's in /usr/bin it sounds like you may have installed it to somewhere in your home directory. If so you can execute it by creating a shortcut to it using the full path to firefox. /home/andreroux/firefox/ what distro are you using and version? What desktop KDE, GNOME? You may have better luck installing the pre compiled binary for your distro. if it's fedora or mandrake just get the RPM for firefox if it's a debian based distro just type apt-get install mozilla-firefox. Need more information about your hardware and linux distro to help on teh sound problem.
  12. egorgry

    Downloading from digital camera

    Nice to see you're enjoying the camera. It's a nice one too, I got the same one for my parents and it takes great pictures. gphoto is such a great app I use it all the time. The generate web page tool is great.
  13. egorgry

    Modified FSTAB?

    I'd imagine you can just change the mount point and take out the noauto from your first ntfs entry in fstab. # Added by KNOPPIX modified by ME! /dev/hda1 /mnt/monkeyland ntfs users,exec,ro,umask=000 0 0
  14. egorgry

    Downloading from digital camera

    Nice camera danleff, I have teh same one. Most cardreaders work as a removeble drive. hotwheels camera is supported because some linux hackers son got one and he they wrote driver. actully it probably a logitech cam that's already supported.
  15. egorgry

    MPlayer help

    look into the settings, audio and codecs & demuxers tab inteh Mplayer prefs. You can mess with those. I'm not 100% sure but I had the same problem and I fixed it in there. post the fix her. I gotta start documenting stuff.
  16. egorgry

    about LILO bootloader....

    you wanna get rid of lilo and replace it with something else? ntldr, grub? or just want to make your systme boot form another device or not at all? How is lilo installed in the mbr or /boot?
  17. egorgry

    Spyware? Virus?

    I run chkrootkit once a week out of cron. It's hard for a virus/spy/mal writer to gain access and then escalate to root level access to a *nix system as where windows lets nearly everything run as system which is higher level then admin as you know. The unix model is just more secure it was written as a true network, multi user OS from day one and windows is patched and bandaided from DOS, a single user non netowrked OS. Apple was in the same boat until they went wiht the BSD kernel and now it's a viable OS. The bottom line is windows is gonna give you problems with security and stability and a *nix system will give you great sercurity and stability but is not as user freindly. If apple was smart they would lower the price of the HW, open it up or release an x86 version of OSX.x. They mannaged to make unix user friendly out of the box with all the apps users are comfortable with. I know in my company it's the cost of training the helpdesk on linux that scares people off. You have to remember people won't like the change not because it's harder but because it's different. I use linux exclusivly at home and HP-UX at work I never got into Windows so I find it harder to mangage XP then Debian. My wife has no computer expeirence at all and she manages in Debain with gnome 2.8 just fine in fact she prefers it to windows becuase it's what she learned on. So switching users to Linux is a biggee task then most people think. You have to think like a non tech person it's hard sometimes. The users have to be willing ot relearn what they know already and in the end they just want to get the work done. I'm getting slightly off topic, sorry.
  18. egorgry

    loss of connection

    What steps do you need to take in order to set this up and is it something that can be scripted and put into startup rc2.d or rc3.d? more information about the hardware would be helpfull as well.
  19. egorgry

    Untitled thread

    All I know is that I just cleand 85 virri and spy/addware problems off of a friends fully patched XP box and I've never had an issue using Debian. Linux is just a more secure design. These article and studies go back and forth some are independent some are MS funded. I'm off to read your article. here is a good read too. http://www.theregister.co.uk/security/security_report_windows_vs_linux/
  20. egorgry

    Linux on my IPAQ 1940

    There is a ton of documentation out there on the subject. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=linux+ipaq&btnG=Google+Search My friend had to do it for work he could never get it out of landscape mode other than that he had everything working, even a wireless CF card. Let us know how it goes. I'm interested in such a project but I have no need for a handheld other than hacking it and it's hard to justify the price.
  21. egorgry

    Remote X session problem

    login with ssh then type w that will tell you how your comming in :0 tty ect... that's the display to use see if you can nslookup your workstation that should give you an idea on how it's resolving try exporting the display to an ip instead of the dns name. you can try xhost + on your workstation that will open it up to all servers. I'll keep thinking. good luck
  22. egorgry

    Problems INtsalling Madrake 9.0/Suse Linux

    Sounds like it may be bad hardware. Check your memory I think suse has tool on the install CD that lets you run a memory check. If not I recommend this one http://www.memtest86.com/
  23. egorgry

    alsamixer: no mixer elems found!

    woo! yeah, I've always had trouble with the alsa modules. It works so much better compiled rright into the newer 2.6 kernels
  24. egorgry

    internet connection

    what linux distor are you using? For now try to type dhclient as root form the command line.
  25. egorgry

    alsamixer: no mixer elems found!

    does sound work when you log in as root? sometimes it's just a permissions problem. check to see if your user is in teh audio group by typing groups on teh command line. you'll see all teh groups you belong to [12/19/04][greg@otis:~]$ groups greg disk lp cdrom audio src video users