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Everything posted by egorgry

  1. egorgry


    Originally posted by rac: Quote: hi, is there any other tutorials for win98? i have win xp but i always install win98 before xp ahh. you have an upgrade disk. I'd check that MS site I'd imagine the process is pretty much the same.
  2. egorgry

    Group Permissions

    chmod 770 will give permisions to the user and group specified on the directory so if the directory looks like this. drwxrwx--- monkey bannana /folder1 then anyone who is in group bannana has rwx on the directory as does the owner in this case monkey I thinks what you are confusing is that it doesn't have to be the users primary group. You can add your users to any group you want them to have access to. For example I have all my music in a filesystem called /music it's owned by greg the group is music I give my wife read access to it by assign here user to group music and doing a chmod g+r /music
  3. egorgry

    Linux and Drivers question

    redirect the output to a file. uname -a > uname.txt lsmod > lsmod.txt dmesg > dmesg.txt now you will have three text files with the output form your commands.
  4. egorgry

    Ahead's Nero's Equivalent

    I use k3b and I love it. It's kde app and I run gnome so it's a little slow to launch but it's worth the wait. http://www.k3b.org/
  5. egorgry

    Group Permissions

    chown is for changing owner chgrp is changing group chmod is for changing permissions chown -R monkey /home/monkey will change /home/monkey and everything under it to teh owner monkey chgrp -R bannana /home/monkey will change /home/moneky and everthing under it to the group to banana chown -R monkey:bannana will change both ownere and group of teh specified diirctory and all under it. chmod -R 775 /home/monkey will change the permissions of /home/moneky and everthing under it to rwx by owner and group and r by other chmod o-w will remove other write access chmod g+x will give execute to the group and so on. so you never want to do this... chmod -R 777 /
  6. egorgry


    it's basicly a network card so you don't mount it. What's the device it may not be linux compatible.
  7. egorgry

    installing few things in fc3

    init 1 will bring you down to single user mode and kill all services and put you in a maintence mode. pkill X may work but I think X tries to respawn you can pkill gdm too that will do it.
  8. egorgry

    Linux and Drivers question

    if you are using Gnome go to Applications > System Tools > Terminal or right click on the desktop and open terminal.
  9. egorgry

    Group Permissions

    ahh that's easy. chmod 770 folder1 will give read write execute ot the owener and the group. other will be denied all access to folder1. I've been using and working with HPUX,sun and Linux for five years now and i still get confused with all the chmod stuff.
  10. egorgry


    Originally posted by rac: Quote: i can't install winxp because i don't have enough space that's why i want to remove redhat read my post again. I explain how to remove redhat it's short and sweet but it's there. or you can try this... http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;247804
  11. egorgry

    Group Permissions

    If i'm understanding corectly you the users need to be in the group group1. you can just edit /etc/group and put the users in in the group file for the entry group1. like so... group1:user1,user2,user3
  12. egorgry


    are you sure windows is gone? did you completely remove it? It may just not be bootable from lilo. Anyway see my post here. If you fdisk the mbr you should be able to boot windows again then clean up the linux partition and reclaim that space. http://www.linuxcompatible.org/thread29554-1.html if you did blow away windows first try to just reinstall windows form the CD. However you may need to boot a linux disk and run fdisk to to reformat teh ext3 partitions as NTFS. I can step you through the process if you need help. good luck.
  13. egorgry


    I'll write up a formal how to when I get some time.
  14. egorgry

    Canon printer S200

    I think you meant to post this in the windows forum. I'd install the driver that came with the printer or get the latest drivers from canons website.
  15. egorgry

    Linux and Drivers question

    Originally posted by serverxeon: Quote: basically, no others. i'm not sure if i have to install the graphics, but the graphics look fine, in true colour. I guess there's only the problem of my MP3 not showing up. How do i get around my MP3 now? I will certainly help you out with this when I get some time later tonight... hopefully. in the mean time what mp3 palyer do you have? and give me as much info about your system as possible this will save a lto of going back and forth with hardware and software questions. Post the output of lsmod, dmesg (with the device pluged in) and uname -a from the command line it's just... uname -a dmesg lsmod
  16. interesting problem ya got Idea. I don't know much about how suse boots but is it graphical or text? If it's text does it look ok until you get teh login manager then switch back to a console? From X (can be at the login screen) type ctrl alt F1, what do you get?
  17. egorgry


    Originally posted by matttah: Quote: when i plug it in i get this.... usb 2-2: new full speed USB device using address 2 So now what? Daum Hmm? not sure it sees teh device as what it is. try to bring it up hiconfig hci0 up
  18. egorgry


    amule uses gnutella network and doesn't need java. To help you understand what limewire is lookin for... type echo $PATH at the cmd line this will display what is in your "path" where programs are allowed to execute from. typicly /usr/bin/ /usr/share/ and so on. To add java to your path you need to edit your .profile or .bash_profile and add the full path to java in the section that looks like the output from your echo $PATH command. To make this a system wide change you can add this to /etc/profile as root. make a backup of whatever you edit in case you need to back out of the cange. cp -p /etc/profile /etc/profile.orig I can eloborate if this is too confusing or if you care. I'd use amule I like it better anyway,
  19. egorgry

    Website design tools, gnutella client?

    wow nvu looks promising, I've never heard of it, Danleff. I usually use vi but my site looks like crap and is never updated. http://www.nvu.com/
  20. egorgry

    How to remove Fedora core 2 and keep windows xp

    godspeed. Save up for a mac at least it's UNIX.
  21. egorgry

    Website design tools, gnutella client?

    I use Amule and nicotine. Amule is gnutella and nicotine is soulseek. If you are using a debian distro just apt-get install nicotine amule
  22. egorgry

    How to remove Fedora core 2 and keep windows xp

    Does this mean you are done with linux, or will we see you again new system new distro?
  23. ubuntu is basic out of the box for a reason but you can make it as flashy as you want. It's like any other linux distro, you can customize until your little heart is content.
  24. egorgry

    How to remove Fedora core 2 and keep windows xp

    It's been a while since I did this. **BACKUP YOUR DATA** get yerself a win95/98 boot disk boot it and type fdisk /mbr this will remove grub. Then boot windows and go into start > control panel > administartive tools > Computer Management > Disk Management. From there you can get rid of the linux (unknown to windows) partition. please correct me if I'm wrong as I said it's been a while and that's off teh top of my head.
  25. egorgry

    Linux and Drivers question

    welcome. Chances are those drivers are no good for linux. The mp3 player should work. If you need help setting it up I'll be glad to help.