Hi there,
For your sympatico high speed internet ,first you have to assign your eth0 a fake ip like and netmask rather than getting your ip by DHCP by running redhat-config-network this can bring up your interface eth0 quickly at boot time. After your system boot up run adsl-start , and find out your nameserver's ip from your /var/log/messages file and put those two DNS address into /etc/resolv.conf . e.g nameserver x.x.x.x.
To run your sympatico internet connection at boot time just make afile with any name like sympatico with the commands given below
sleep 3
ifconfig eth0 mtu 1480
and add the file into your /etc/rc.d/rc.local file with full path. Don't forget to change the mode of file to executable.
I hope you know about little changes in your /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf and pap-secrets for your sympatico id and password.
crazy vkumar crazy