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Everything posted by Satman

  1. Satman

    CPU fan

    it will fry your cpu
  2. XP Pro. And get yourself a bigger hd
  3. Satman

    Various Games will not install XP

    Guess i'm a nubie or stupid but,PLONK??? What is PLONK?????????????
  4. Satman

    MS windows network mischief

    i found that each pc has to have user names of all the other pc's so go to each pc and add users. (logins of other pc's on your network) worked for me,hope this helps.
  5. Satman

    Prices of LCD's - dropping?

  6. Satman

    creating GIF files

    paint shop pro can do this also
  7. Satman

    WinDVD HELP!!!!!

    Your mic might not be muted