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About Caro

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  1. I've installed VP-EYE which works fine, it's only when I actually plug my webcam (CMOS 100K-R Rev.1.90) in that the system crashes. I'm using XP Home AT/AT COMPATIBLE System BIOS Version VIA601-42302e31 Processor Type x86 Family 6 Model 7 Stepping 8 VIA EZRA 801MHz 120MB of RAM I've just printed of a system resource report if anyone needs anymore info. Please be advised I'm a computer novice tho ;( TIA for any help you may have. Caro.
  2. Caro

    Webcam prob in XP Home

    I'm new to computers...chipset? VIA Ezra C3 801MHz 128MB RAM 40GB HD WDC WD40 OEB-00CPFO SCSI Disk Device VIA Tech VT8361/VT8601 Graphics Controller VIA Bus Master Ultra ATA Controller SCSI/RAID Host Controller Is any of that what you were after? Caro.
  3. Hi, I have a problem with my webcam. I have XP home edition. I'm running VP-EYE which works fine, but when I plug my cam in, the system shuts down, everytime. The cam it's self is a CMOS 100K-R Rev.1.90, can't find anything on this Hope someone can help. Caro.