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Dapper Dan

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Everything posted by Dapper Dan

  1. Dapper Dan

    aterm config

    With IceWM, it takes about two minutes to edit your menu. You could just make it a desktop Icon under Gnome or Kde... Heres mine as a reference... Code: aterm -tr -bg black -fg white -trsb -sh 50% -tint white -ls There is an endless number of ways you can configure Aterm. Actually it's quite fun to experiment! At a terminal, go: aterm --help Or... aterm --options for a complete list of options.
  2. Dapper Dan

    SMC 2532W-B on fedora core 2

    Just did some checking on your card. It uses prism2 chipset so you should be good to go. This is a pcmcia card right? After activating you may have to do what I do with my orinoco and pull it out for a few seconds, then slide it back in so it can read the new settings. Also if using Wep or any type encryption, turn this feature off from your router until you get it configured. Let me know what you find out...
  3. Dapper Dan

    SMC 2532W-B on fedora core 2

    Don't nuke and pave yet! Remember, you're in strange territory so it's gonna take a while to get acclaimated. open a terminal and become root. You do that by typing: su [press enter] It will ask for your root password. Enter it and press enter. Now, type: system-config-network [enter] You are now in the right place to configure your card. First, try activating the card. If this works, you're in business. If it doesn't, you'll have more configuring to do. If the small window gives you error messages, write them down and post them here. I can't configure it for you, so just have a good look around in this utility and get familiar with it. Look in "edit" and see if the box is checked where you have the option of having the card activate at boot. If it isn't checked, check it.
  4. Dapper Dan

    wierd text

    Have you tried just becoming root first: su [enter] (password) [enter] apt-get install xmms [enter] ? Have you tried installing it through Synaptic?
  5. Dapper Dan

    Download manager?

    Hi somethingotherthenwindows, I want to pass on to you some insight I have about learning Linux, because it helped me as well. I can see like me, you are a VERY impatient person! Three days ago, you were running Gentoo. Yesterday it was Suse, and today it's Ubuntu! You are all over the map with Linux! If just exploring is all you're really looking to do, then have at it. However, if you really want to learn Linux, you've got to stick with one distro, work to get your hardware working, learn its apps and utilities and how to install packages. It was only when I settled down to really learning Linux that I found out how to make it work for me. Linux has taught me among other things, patience, which my wife constantly reminds me, is a virtue! This is not intended as criticism. In fact, I admire your curiosity, drive and energy! I only wish to pass on friendly advice. Having said that, we are more than willing to assist you and answer questions. Also, a Linux user's best friend is Google. 99% of the time, you'll find the right answer for Linux if you learn how to query Google. As a for instance. Google: Debian apt-get how to synaptic packages And watch what comes up!
  6. Dapper Dan

    Download manager?

    I've tried most of them in Linux and Windows, and K3B holds dominion over the Earth.
  7. Dapper Dan

    Kde disappeared,,,help

    Have you tried startkde ?
  8. If I may make a suggestion zenarcher, I'd leave it as a swap space and just comment it out as danleff has suggested. You never know when you may need it, and it won't hurt a thing to have it. I keep a swap space because there are two Windows games I play under Cedega which will not install unless they see a swap space. So, I just turn it on by un-commenting it out, install the game, then re-comment out the entry for swap in /etc/fstab. Another impression of vi: It was the first command line editor I ever used, (that saved my life! ) and to me, with vi improved, (vim), it is exceedingly easy to navigate and edit with. you just use the arrows to get where you want to go, press "insert," make your changes and exit by pressing the esc key, then : x [enter] (without the space between : and x ). Done!
  9. Dapper Dan

    Download manager?

    Check this out... http://www.krasu.mu/soft/chuchelo/
  10. Dapper Dan

    USB keys

    Most USB keys I'm aware of will work with Linux, though most 2.4 kernel distros have to be configured to do so, and most with the 2.6 kernel will detect your USB device automatically. You can either upgrade to Mandrake 10 with the 2.6 kernel, or any other distro with it, or have a look at this easy to follow instruction on how to get it working with your present version of Mandrake.
  11. Dapper Dan

    Defragementation with Linux???

    I've not used Gentoo as the install directions make my head hurt. I understand Gentoo is fast and easy after a very slow and difficult install. Oh well, maybe one of these days I'll get smart enough to figure it out. If you like fast and easy, Suse 9.1 Professional is pretty easy if you've had prior experience with Linux, and to me it seems faster than Fedora Core 2 or Mandrake 10. It certainly loads faster! It's up and running before you know it! As far as the speed thing goes, I personally will still choose Linux over Windows any day, even if it is slower. Sometimes you have to be patient and wait for the better things in life...
  12. It does it on mine too. It occures when the boot progress screen is not there. I researched this once, and general advice is to just ignore it.
  13. Dapper Dan

    y2controlcenter: cannot connect to X server

    Also try: sux -l root
  14. Dapper Dan

    RHN erased ability to use up2date

    If you're being cynical when you say, "oh-so-nice." you may want to consider keeping your box updated with apt-get rpm. I've used both, and even though up2date does a great job keeping you up to date, I've always seemed to run into problems getting it working correctly. Apt-get RPM hasn't failed me yet.
  15. Dapper Dan

    Firefox sporadically dies.

    If you will show me how to get mplayer or xine to play the video on this page, I'll be more than happy to get rid of RealPlayer...
  16. Dapper Dan

    need help PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    Above post should read... If you installed straight from Cedega, look in /home/yourhome/.transgaming/c_drive/Program\ Files If installed with Point2Play, look in /home/yourhome/Point2Play, or /usr/lib/menu/Poin2Play...
  17. Dapper Dan

    Firefox sporadically dies.

    Well, I've been working on this a good while now... I downloaded the tarball and it installed without a hitch into my home directory under firefox-installer. Everything seemed to work swimmingly except I couldn't get Realplayer to work. I worked on this for hours, making symbolic links every which way I knew, but it just wouldn't work with Realplayer 8 or Gold 10. I then went to delete it to start again, and when I looked in Yast2, I noticed firefox was available, listed as mozilla-firefox. You see, I downloaded the rpm, (version above), thinking it was not in the Yast repositories, and that's what I've been running that has given me trouble. I downloaded the version in Yast2, (I think it was 8.3), and so far it's working perfectly. Realplayer 8 is working with it as well. It's too early to tell whether it will give me the same problems. I'll let y'all know how it works out...
  18. Dapper Dan

    need help PLEASE!!!!!!!!

    I presume you are using Cedega? Did you install it with Point2Play or just straight from Cedega? I would go in and completely delete all files associated with your first installation. There may be an old configuration file somewhere that's not compatible with the version you just bought or something. If installed straight from cedega, look in /home/yourhomedirectory'sname/.transgaming/c_drive/Program\ Files/ If you installed with Cedega, look in your /home/yourhomedirectory'sname/Point2Play/ somewhere... Then, after deleting all old files, do a fresh re-install with Point2Play.
  19. Dapper Dan

    Order a Dell with Linux!

    Hey, check these out... And these that come with freeDOS! Very economical!
  20. Dapper Dan

    Firefox sporadically dies.

    Forgot to mention, the version is 0.9.cvs.20040902-1. I might try to compile 1.0 and see if that helps. Thanks.
  21. Dapper Dan

    Order a Dell with Linux!

    $12,000 each??!! or $1,200?? If $12,000, I'd say y'all need new management in the budget department!
  22. Dapper Dan

    disk space allocation

    Yeah, that was pretty strange! I deleted my post and now everything seems back to normal...
  23. Dapper Dan

    ymessenger on debian

    Actually, I've had trouble with both at one time or another. For a while there, it seemed there was an update on Giam every week! Right now, both are working for me now under Fedora Core 1.
  24. On a related note, I bought an Epson Stylus color 777 for my mother about 2 years ago. It has NEVER worked, and Epson ignored requests for support. This printer is purported to work with Linux, so when I switched her over, I tried to configure it. It immediately wanted new printer cartridges which hold about a drop each and are very expensive. I forked out the fifty dollars for new ink and the thing goes through the actions of printing yet there is nothing on the paper. I went through the process of clearing the heads, but how can they be clogged with ink if it has never worked? I researched this printer online, and buyers had volumes of nothing but bad things to report about it. You cannot refill the cartridges because they have a chip in the cartridge itself that prevents it. Also, many complained that, even when only printing in black and white, this damn thing shoots out blue or red ink before shooting out black, so you'll run out of color ink even though you aren't even using it! The paper feed is a joke and will not pick up paper without manually jamming it into the feeder. In my mind, Epson clearly is trying to take advantage of consumers with the old Micro$oft, if-we-can get-our-hand-in-your-pocket-once-we-can-keep-it-there-for-the-rest-of-your-life, business philosophy. I understand Epson makes other models of scanners and printers that work well with Linux, but the damage is already done. I wouldn't buy another Epson printer, even if it was the only way I could print with Linux. I'd just do without.
  25. Dapper Dan

    Linux version for me

    I'd go with either Mepis, (Debian based) or Fedora Core 1, both of which I use. Fedora is a really good first distro, is easy to install and use, and with apt-get RPM is just as handy with downloading and installing apps and programs as Debian. In my estimation, Fedora is a little easier to configure, since it offers many easy to use, and easy to understand, configuration tools. I've been playing Team Fortress via the new Steam servers under Fedora Core 1 and Suse Professional 9.1, and it plays as well under Linux using Winex3/Cedega as under Windows. I've not played Counter Strike, but understand it plays about as well. Also, while checking out Desktop Environments, have a look at IceWM. It's as fast or faster than Fluxbox, and is highly configurable.