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Dapper Dan

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Everything posted by Dapper Dan

  1. Dapper Dan

    I wounded my system with fdisk...

    Furry, if you have 512 or better RAM, you may not even miss your swap. I often run mine after commenting out the swap to squeeze a little extra performance out while gaming!
  2. Dapper Dan

    Messed up the Panel

    Ah yes! The old Gnome disappearing bottom panel trick! It happed to me once too. If you don't mind reconfiguring it, this will work... http://www.uwb.edu/CSS/about/missingmenus.html On the other hand, if you've got the bottom panel set up with custom icons and stuff that you need to keep, try this.. http://www.linuxchix.org/pipermail/techtalk/2002-October/013334.html
  3. Dapper Dan

    which desktop

    What is there to work out with gnome-terminal? You click on it, it comes up, and you type commands. Is it not working for you?
  4. I know Morphix, thus probably Knoppix/Debian, supports cards using the Prism drivers. I use the Orinoco Gold card which worked right out of the box with no configuration necessary. It supports WEP too with a little research. My wife computes with her Toshiba Satellite daily using Morphix-Gnome from where ever she wishes within range of our Linksys wireless G router.
  5. Dapper Dan

    which desktop

    I just upgraded to Fedora last night. This time, a completely different story as pertaining to IceWM. Everything is working almost perfectly this time. I must have installed the wrong version or something last time. I sure do miss Galeon though. I can't understand why it wasn't included with Fedora!
  6. Dapper Dan

    Update kernel Help Please

    The easiest way is by apt-get rpm. It will update the kernel for you.
  7. Dapper Dan


    I've been using one of the wallpapers outstream provided for several weeks now!
  8. Dapper Dan

    no sound on RH 9.0

    It is understandable if you want your on board sound to work, but if starts to be a real pain, just go to the computer store and buy a soundblaster. They're reasonably priced, will likely give better sound, and you'll retain more hair..
  9. Dapper Dan

    which desktop

    rxvt, gnome-terminal, eterm, aterm, konsole and some others give directions on how to run transparently. At the command line, type in your terminal choice folowed by --help and it should tell you. With aterm and rxvt, the command would include the -tr option for transparency. Here's the command I use for aterm. aterm -tr -bg black -fg gray -sh 100% -tint white -ls
  10. Dapper Dan

    easy how to install cs on linux?

    The only place to get the latest version of winex3.3 is at transgaming.com. You can try this older free version as well.
  11. Dapper Dan

    easy how to install cs on linux?

    The link is server only, my post, as I said is, about CS client.
  12. Dapper Dan

    Why are you running Linux?

    idud is right. I don't know about the rest of you, but I've had 100 times more fun running Linux than I ever had running Windows. Plus, with me, when I was running Windows, there was always this felling that I was at the mercy of my computer. What a horrible feeling!! With Linux, I feel completely in control of my computer! It's a liberating feeling, and I will NEVER go back to using Windows.
  13. Dapper Dan

    yum update? Grub?

    Don't do what I once did and go into your grub.conf and comment out all the lines pertaining to the other kernels! I got locked out without even a grub menu! I had to use Morphix to rescue my system. Boy was that scary...
  14. Dapper Dan

    easy how to install cs on linux?

    To play as a CS client, use winex3. Install HL and the very lastest full patch or it won't run right. HL runs about 99% as well on my box as it ever did in Windows, and I get far better pings under Linux when playing Team Fortress. Once you get Half-Life up and running correctly, it should then be just a matter of installing CS. To run HL go: winex3 .transgaming/c_drive/SIERRA/Half-Life/hl -console -opengl To run CS go: winex3 -workdir ".transgaming/c_drive/SIERRA/Half-Life" hl.exe -console -nocdaudio -game cs -opengl
  15. Dapper Dan

    WEP encryption key at start up

    I'm using an Orinoco Gold card with 128 bit encryption with a Linksys Wireless-G router. Everything including WEP works well, but I have to manually activate with the encryption key after every boot for the internet to work. I've edited /etc/pcmcia/wireless.opts, and put the corrosponding 26 digit key under both the Orinoco section and at the end of the file in the default section, but still have to do, iwconfig eth1 key abcd-1234-efgh-5678.... every time to get everything working. What do I need to do to have the encryption key activated automatically so I don't have to keep doing it manually every time? Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
  16. Dapper Dan

    mini-disk +fedora

    If you feel comfortable with Gnome-toaster then continue to use it. I personally think no burner (I'm aware of), Linux, Windows or otherwise, can even come close to comparing to K3b when it comes to GUI and convenience. Burncenter is a good, easy to use command line burner.
  17. Dapper Dan

    which desktop

    Quote: currently i am using gnome, just cause it came as default with fedora...well i might try some others, installing desktops easy? oh and when i installed fedora, some of the apps were desktop specific, if i was to switch to icevm(can't see the post for the exact name) would they still work? I would hold off on IceWM for Fedora. I tried for three days to get it working satisfactorily on my mom's box and never could get it set up right. When I got it installed, apt-get kept recognizing it as a broken package and the only fix for it was to uninstall it. After I installed it with the latest RPM, I starting having problems. I tried to uninstall the rpm, and it said it wasn't installed. When I tried to reinstall it, said it WAS installed! I tried the tarball, and when I did ./configure, it checked and said it couldn't continue because I didn't have X windows!! The fonts on the menu didn't look right and nothing I tried would correct it. I finally gave up and just ran the Gnome DE. This is not good since IceWM is now my old friendly and familiar DE. I guess I could upgrade my RH9 box to Fedora and fight it for a while and maybe or maybe not getting it working, but I'm not real exited about that prospect. Maybe it's time to have a hard look at Gentoo which DOES have IceWM in their portage tree.
  18. Dapper Dan

    mini-disk +fedora

    I don't know from experience, but I can't see why it wouldn't since writing occurs from the inside out. Put one in and do a mock burn and see what happens. If it doesn't give errors, then I'd give it a try. The small disks cost more than the regular ones but still they're not so expensive that it wouldn't be worth it to find out. Besides, if it doesn't work you'll have a dandy shot glass coaster..
  19. Dapper Dan

    which desktop

    jimf43, I thought KDE was ugly and awkward as sin in Mdk 8.2, but they sure have come a long way. I always prefered Gnome over KDE of the big two, but since I switched to RH 9 I've noticed a big improvement in KDE. I now prefer it over Gnome and agree it is probably the most user friendly DE for a new user.
  20. It often happens that new folks browse old threads and answer them weeks, months and in some cases years after they were started. We then read them again an contribute something new.
  21. Dapper Dan

    which desktop

    All have their positives and negatives. I prefer fast, highly configurable, simple and clean, therefore I use IceWM.
  22. I just found out about this over at justlinux.com. You're probably familiar with the command line web browser "links" but did you know you can use it in graphical mode too? This really surprised me. Your disto may already have it available. To find out do: links -g [enter] and see if it appears. If you've not used links before, from here, press g and it will provide you with a window to type in addresses. My RH 9 came with elinks without the graphical support so I had to go here to download the latest tarball. If you decide to try it out, make sure you read the ./configure --help before compiling. See in there that you must do: ./configure --enable-graphics to have the GUI to work. Also do: ./configure --enable-graphics --enable-javascript If you want java as well. To run, just do: links -g ..and your off! It isn't as pretty or as convenient as Galeon or Mozilla, but it's blindingly fast! Should be a nice way for older slower machines to see the Internet!
  23. Dapper Dan

    A really fast graphical browser!

    Try it and see, it may work. If not, the full deal is pretty easy to istall.
  24. For the fastest browser you've ever seen, see this.
  25. Dapper Dan

    which one to choose.

    From what I understand, SuSe 9 Pro comes with a choice for installing java at install. I never have understood why the other distros don't offer java runtime, plugins, flash and all the other eye candy for choices at installation time. I know a lot of folks don't like or use it, but it sure would come in handy to have it as a choice. Do the distros have to work out licensing arrangements with them or something? If so, that shouldn't be such a problem since you can download all of it free. As a noob, I almost never figured out how to get flash and java installed.