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About kellinjar

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  1. kellinjar

    Diamond Stealth III/Speedstar a200

    1) windows update does not contain the drivers 2) Driverguide does not have the drivers for 2000k, they only have them for 98se it took me about 2 hours and a guy who runs a computer shop to find these drivers (they are extremely hard to find since s3 bought diamond, and most sites point to the ftp at diamond for their link to the drivers, and the S3 ftp does not have the drivers) They are the only source.. but I have no idea why I'm getting a cannot install error.
  2. kellinjar

    Diamond Stealth III/Speedstar a200

    Yes, but not the updated drivers... the drivers windows 2000 has are 99 drivers, there are some released in early 2000 that are newer..these are the ones I have and I'd like to update..but it seems impossible as I cannot tell what the problem is.
  3. kellinjar

    Poll! Worlds worst custom machine???

    My first PC 8086 10 mhz 4 color CGA monitor integrated.. I don't even think it had onboard ram..maybe 64k or something 20 mb harddrive ms dos 3.2 basica 5.25disk drive no mouse 640 k ram after 3 years the monitor started showing red all the time.. you had to hit to make it turn the proper color (eventually I soddered it to fix it) the switch went on it ..so I bipassed it the only phat thing on it was an external 14.4 USR robotics Modem... (which was purchased later) Original purchase price of this beast: $2000 Cdn in 1988 (this was a samsung as well btw) oh eyah I think it came with a sweet dot matrix printer 1 page an hour or something the modem was $300 new in like 1990 I believe or around there (its been so long)
  4. kellinjar

    Diamond Stealth III/Speedstar a200

    my gfs pc is an old HP pavillion.. and I put an 8mb PCI card on it to replace the 4 mb integrated vid card.. it works..or so it seems.. problem is up[censored] the drivers.. I finally found a coopy of the drivers..put it on her PC..tried to run it..and it errors out.. there is a log.. it says something like.. Started Timer window in background updated driver...failed returned -536870397 cannot install they driver date ont he file is newer then what windows 2k pro reports as the currently isntalled driver..so I'm not sure why this is failing? Does anyone have any ideaS? (the integrated card has been disabled in the bios)