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Everything posted by Berre

  1. Berre

    Where to download Mandrake 9.2`

    Quote: I got mine off of ebay for 1.99. Had a bad experience buying CD's. Paid 3x the amount : duties & taxes. Waited for 3 weeks. Received useless CD's. Nowadays I download and do an instant HD install: price 0.00
  2. I guess you got a SBlive! 5.1, like the one that comes in a DELL machine. That card (CT0200) is not the genuine SBlive!. It contains a different chip set EMU10K1X which is not supported by linux. There is a binary driver available from 4FrontTechnologies. This driver is NOT open source, nor is it free, it costs 35US$.
  3. Berre

    Where to download Mandrake 9.2`

    http://mandrake.redbox.cz/modules.php?name=Software&dir=/Mandrake-iso/i586&akce=view I found these ISO's today.
  4. Berre

    Reinstalling RedHat Linux 9

    I had exactly the same experience last week-end when I did a clean reïnstall of RH9. Though RH9 has been running on the same partitions for more than 6 months without any incidents, the installer reported bad sectors while checking the HD and it left me no option but to exit. So checked the disk again, using PM8 and finding no errors, I bravely installed RH9 again without any trouble. Let's hope it stays that way.