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About mccrack_2003

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  1. mccrack_2003

    IF Statements within an FTP Session

    Any input ?
  2. Good Afternoon Ladies & Gents. Is it possible to write a script that opens up a ftp session and then use ' if and for loops ' . ie. ftp -n -i xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx <<EOF user username password binary if [ -f /home/bob/logs.doc ] then echo FILE FOUND else echo FILE NOT FOUND ; fi ???????? Any input would be greatly appreciated. Regard
  3. mccrack_2003


    Thanx hems , will bear this in mind should this problem rear it head again.
  4. mccrack_2003

    Solaris Query

    I know this is a linux forum but perhaps someone here will know the answer. I need to FTP several directories from one Solaris server to another. Is there anyway to copy entire directories and their content via an FTP session ?
  5. mccrack_2003

    Remote GUI Access

    Heh pplz. I'm looking for an app like Terminal Services for Windows , except running on Windows that can connect to a linux box ( where you have control over the desktop ) . Any suggestions would be greatly accepted.
  6. mccrack_2003


    Well , after struggling for another 4 hours or so i did a re-install . It working now just fine... I dont however think that i am going to find the cause of the problem though. Thanx anyway...
  7. mccrack_2003

    SSH & Mandrake 8.2

    Sound like the SSH Server is'nt installed. Slap The Mandrake CD's in and do a ps | grep ssh . On one of the CD's there is an sshdserver or something like that, run rpm -i *sshdserver* . Once that's installed run service sshd status . If it's not runnig do service sshd start and then try and connect to your box via ssh.
  8. mccrack_2003


    Good mornin pplz. Must say that i have not had many problems with Mandrake 8.2 until i tried to install it on one of the PC's @ work. I'm not a complete newb but still finding my way around linux. Anyway, prob is. After a fresh installation yesterday i was able to log into KDE just fine. Bounced the box and now i get this error when starting up KDE. "Could not read network connection list. Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running" . I followed most of the suggestions on dot.kde.org and nothing has resolved this issue, it's probably more whack now. Found the DCOPServer program and tried to start it manually but then got the error "Aborting. $DISPLAY not set" Added the $DISPLAY hostIP:0:0 into the .bash_profile and still did not work. Any ideas would be much appreciated although i am tempted to re-install after struggling the entire day. Thanx