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Everything posted by zhenboy

  1. zhenboy

    Dose SideWinder FF wheel( game port) work in WP?

    i got the exactly SAME problem....could someone help? i got a txt file from a website says: Sidewinder 3d pro in win2k --------------------------------- Step 1) Download the win98 driver 2) Run the win98 driver until it informs you the driver isnt compatible with the current version of windows 3) Alt-Tab out of the driver installation and find where it unzipped the temp files to (a good idea is to open the temp folder first and see the new folder which appears) 4) Copy the new temp files to a new folder 5) Complete the anstallation procedure (ie. it will exit because of wrong version) 6) Install the joystick in the game controllers panel by clicking "Add Other" and click "Have Disk". Point it to the directory where you copied the installation files to. I think I used the one called "sidewinder autodetect" or something along those lines. 7) Finished. If you find its not detecting it, simply refresh it a shitload of times (sometimes i click refresh and then properties while its trying to detect the joystick, and then hold down 'r' until it stops beeping at me), but it will work. i tried....couldnt find the unzipped files... where r they?