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About Robc2000

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  1. Thanks, I'll give that a go!
  2. Hi, I had thought of that but I was under the impression that the compatibility mode only worked for "windows" applications? I have it enabled but the properties of the MS-DOS shortcut doesn't give me the compatibility tab
  3. Sorry, yes the 100% utilization happens on the client. Good point about the application I'll check that one out, however this used to work perfectly under Windows 95 (ok that is a true Dos enviroment) but it was the same share network drive and software.
  4. Hi All Newbie to the site here, so first off Hello I am hoping that someone out there might be able to shed some light on this problem I am having. I've been working on it for about a week now and I am still no closer to working it out. Small network with a W2K server and a few W2K clients. The server is hosting a old MS-DOS application which is shared out to the client (easy so far!). When I run the MS-DOS application on the client (from the shared drive) the application starts ok then as it goes through it startup process the CPU utilization hits 100% and sticks there when the DOS app is in use (even if it is minimised). The processor only comes down again when I terminate the DOS application. Any help would be great! Thanks Rob