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About jclem

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  1. jclem

    Installing Nvidia Drivers on Mandrake 9

    Well, thanks toi the replies here and some google searches I was able to find out that Mandrake did not include the kernel source rpm with the 9.2 iso. I downloaded it and reran the driver install. I went from 4 FPS in the included light-cycle game to over 250. I'd say the drivers are working. Thank you for the assistance. I'd like to take a moment to let you know how impressed I am with the Linux comunity. Everyone is helpful, there is no condecension here. I am looking forward to learning more...
  2. jclem

    Installing Nvidia Drivers on Mandrake 9

    I've gotten past the x server runnig issue. Now I'm getting an error message because I don't ahve the Kernel header file. It gives me the option of having the installer search the Nvidia ftp site, but does not find what it needs. It gives an example of where to find the Kernel souce rpm on red hat but it doesn't appear to be in the same place in Mandrake. There has got to be an easier way to do this.
  3. jclem

    Installing Nvidia Drivers on Mandrake 9

    I'll try it when I get home.
  4. Well, I finally took the linux plunge. Everything went pretty smooth. It did take me about 20 minutes to get figure out which line to add to the Xfree86 config to get my scroll wheel working, but I digress. I'm running the latest Mandrake distro (9.2) and I can't get the nvidia drivers installed. I get in to the root console and start to run the driver installer but it stops me because Xserver is running. How do I stop xserver in order to install the driver? Better yet, can you point me to a good newbie guide in general? Thanks in advnace.