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Everything posted by Traderg02

  1. :x With over 300 Positive Feedback on eBay, one would expect, when a deal seems too good to be true - it usually is.... Still, I could hardly pass up an 800MHZ, 32MG Video w/3d Excel, 20 Gig HD, 128MG RAM, 50XCD ROM, 2 USB Ports, Paral Printer Port, Serial Port, 4 Expansion Bays etc., for $75.00 plus SH - GREAT System - save the expansion headaches: Had license for WIN 95B w/WIN 98 SE Upgrade - but software only wanted to recognize 64 MG RAM??!? Eventually, formatted and secured license to XP - a friend of mine who has always used NT setup my system w/this environment - more headaches - the "one" program - I know it seems "trite" that I really enjoyed playing - enjoyed the building and sims antics - Sim Golf - is evidently compat. w/XP but not NT.... OK plan B Have seen game called Golf Resort Tycoon - by Activision - seems close to ole Sim Golf - before I take another plunge - into what I fondly refer to this machine "My Headache...." WILL IT WORK on THIS SYSTEM?
  2. New Here - New to XP in NT environment. XP is great - save the headaches - :x Before I plunge and waste "more" money.... ;( Anyone know whether Golf Resort Tycoon is compat. w/NT/2000/XP? Any Assistance would be appreciated! Traderg02 ;(
  3. Traderg02

    Any Known Problems w/Golf Resort Tycoon?

    If I misinterpreted the message on how my friend setup my system - (NT Environment) what - other - might cause Sim Golf etc., to run amuck - Opeing Screen with blimp - then x) 8) when all system checks indicate GO and lastest software is installed incluing Direct X 9...? w/32 Meg 3D Excellorated Video Card - Enough Memory (160 Meg RAM)???? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!
  4. Traderg02

    New Question from New XP (NT environ) User....

    Thanks for info! Not knowing that much about either operating system - and - uncertain about how the XP was setup - other than from what I was told.... ;( Is their such a thing - then - as XP in NT environment or did I misinterpret my friend's communication of how he felt about XP - being a combo of NT/2000/ME ???? :x Life seemed so much simpler when DOS ruled the airwaves....