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About roberta

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  1. roberta

    Package explanation

    Yes, the ones that flash by as they load from the CD's. We would appreciate being able to print them out for members of our Linux club. Most folk know what GIMP etc is but their are many that we have never heard of. Thanks Barry
  2. roberta

    Package explanation

    Yes sorry, I should explain they are the messages that we get when downloading from CD's distro's. The club here are using Mandrake 9.2 and trying others such as Knoppix and Slackware but all the screens have a short explanation of the common programs that are going in. We would like a list of these common Linux packages in order to really know whether or not we really need them etc. Some of our members have quite old machines and space is a premium. Thanks Bob
  3. roberta

    Package explanation

    Could some helpful soul direct me to a site where we can obtain the meanings (that flash off the screen) when downloading our Linux packages. It would be most helpful for beginners such as myself to be able to know what “Swig” or “olwm” means. It also helps to know whether or not we need to install these items. Many thanks Bob roberta@clear.net.nz