execve failed for /etc/x11/X
giving up
xinit:no such file or directory (errno 2):unable to connect to x server
xinit:no such process (errno 3): server error.
[wmorris@localhost wmorris]$ startx
using authority file/home/wmorris/.xauthority
writing authority file/home/wmorris/.xauthority
usine authority file/home/wmorris/.xauthority
writing authority file/home/wmorris/.xauthority
execve failed failed for /ect/X11/X (errno 2)
giving up.
xinit:no such file or directory (errno 2):unable to connect to x server
xinit:no such process (errno 3): server error.
[wmorris@localhost wmorris]$
I am using mircosoft virtual pc to run mandrake mabe thats the problem cause i dont know linux at all i am trying to lern it...