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Everything posted by Ziemowit

  1. Hi I bought a new components and have problems now. Specification: MB: ASUS A7N8X Deluxe GC: ASUS Radeon 9600 XT RAM: TwinMOS PC3200 512 CPU: Athlon XP 2500+ HDD: Seagate S-ATA All of this are new. Okay, what problems. First: In bios I set cpu to 166 and memory settings to auto/optimal. In restera bios report me athlonxp 2500+ correctly but memory is working on 166 (dual chanel - two identical modules). System is working okay. Almost In some situations I got flash blue screen and restart. No "blue screen of death" but a flash (less than second) of clean blue and system simply restart. This were in 3dMark2003 (in CPU test part and in demo) and in only game I run - Breed (training mission works perfect, but demo mission crash in time of initial cutscene). Second: When I'm trying to force memory to run at 400MHz I got another problems. I was trying different BIOS settings for memory clock (By SPD, 120%). Timings were always optimal. No matter I set up, effect is similiar - Win2003 start booting and in one moment simply restart. In one situation (when I was trying to set CPU to 400Mhz FSB) I got blue screen with critical error. So finally - do you see any resolve of this problems? I can give more details if required (drivers and so on). Thanks
  2. Ziemowit

    A7N8X Deluxe + ASUS Radeon 9600 XT problems

    I have Chieftec 420W. RAM is under 2.6 (DDR Reference Voltage in BIOS). But I found strange thing. I start beiung angry and reinstall system to Windows 2000 Pro and all works perfect. 3D Mark 2003 dont hang, all looks fine. I'm not too happy because I prefer win 2003 (In my feeling it's faster). So all loks like win2003 is responsible for all problems. It's possible?
  3. Ziemowit

    A7N8X Deluxe + ASUS Radeon 9600 XT problems

    Okay, I trust you. I've read this a few times and I'm not decided to speedup memory to 400MHz or CPU to 400MHz. I'm working now with memory at 166 like CPU and is oka. Almost okay. As I wrote, I have problems with unexpecting reboots. This is my worse problem.