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Everything posted by taeuler

  1. taeuler


    Good to hear that you finally got Gentoo up and running. Here is the kernel 2.6 upgrade guide. I'll see if I can find any other usful docs. One thing to be carful of at the very end is "emerge -e world". This will recompile every package on your system. If you want to have your whole system compiled from source without reinstalling this is the way to go. This should give you the genuine Gentoo install, since I think the Anaconda-Gentoo is just an automated stage-3 install. I just finished doing this after a glibc update, it takes about 22 hours on 2.4 Ghz P4. It isn't vital to do this right away, but it is suggested. One question about the mouse issue, are you using xfree or xorg. You can check by doing Quote: emerge -p xorg-x11 If it shows Quote: [ebuild R ] x11-base/xorg-x11-6.*.0 then you have xorg. If you have xfree, you should go ahead and emerge xorg-x11. I bring this up since I have had a similar mouse issue that I know how to fix on xorg. I've gone through the mouse issue and the 2.4 -> 2.6 upgrade, so I hope I can help. Good luck.
  2. taeuler

    Wireless card

    I've had good luck with the netgear wg311, on newer(2.6) based distros. It is based on the atheros chipset, and uses the medwifi driver. The driver not completely open source, but I have been satisfied with it. I have gotten it to work on Gentoo, and Suse 9.1. It works out of the box on Suse 9.1, and with very little work on Gentoo. It doesn't seem to be on sourceforge for download any more. I'll see if I can find any other links, if you are interested.
  3. Blackpage, thanks for the reply. I thought I'd ask since I've known people who thought they had to rebuild with every three month release. It's good to know I'm not the any Gentoo geek.
  4. I'm going to throw my vote in for Gentoo. Package managment with portage is great, and it was a great learning tool during it's long install. Arch is also good, but I havn't seen a reason to replace my Gentoo system. I agree that Suse 9.1 is a good, comfortable starting place for new users. Blackpage, just out of curiousity, what had you doing 3 stage 1 installs a year?
  5. I'm going to throw my vote in for Gentoo. Package managment with portage is great, and it was a great learning tool during it's long install. Arch is also good, but I havn't seen a reason to replace my Gentoo system. I agree that Suse 9.1 is a good, comfortable starting place for new users. Blackpage, just out of curiousity, what had you doing 3 stage 1 installs a year?
  6. taeuler

    Stars! for Linux

    The oldest version that I got working was 20040917, and it also works under 20041019, so I would try a newer version. It looks like they have builds for debian at the wine site. Also do you have winesetuptk installed? If you don't it is a useful tool to configure wine.
  7. taeuler

    aterm config

    Setting this up to work is a little different for each of the window managers (kde, gnome, fvwm, etc..). Which one are you using?
  8. taeuler

    Linux version for me

    Gentoo is a great distro but, it can be difficult to setup. If you have the time to do the setup(I would set aside a weekend for the install), it is definitly worth it. One thing to consider is your internet connection speed, it needs to be fast. It's package management system, portage, is great, but everything is downloaded from the internet. Before you decide to go with it though I would wait and take some suggestions from other users, there might be another distro which is easier to setup that fits your needs. Here are other threads on Gentoo, which might help with your decision. http://www.linuxcompatible.org/thread28537-1.html http://www.linuxcompatible.org/thread28037-1.html Good luck.
  9. taeuler

    Stars! for Linux

    I have dosbox running several games, and it definitly works well, but some games like stars! turn up a message about needing MS windows (3.1 I assume).
  10. taeuler

    Stars! for Linux

    I know this thread is ancient, but I've been waiting for a long to to be able to answer this, since I love old dos games, especially stars!. It now works under wine (20040917), you should also get winesetuptk. Run winesetutk, and under window mode set it to desktop with 1024x768 and you should be in good shape. Sorry it took two years, I just got it working today.
  11. taeuler


    If you want to go entirly back to windows all you need to do is instert the windows disk, and answer "yes" until you get to the screen asking you about partions. The stardard method for a windows install (i.e. you won't later be dual booting linux-windows later) is to delete all partions and remake one large parttion, and tell it to do an NTFS format when it asks for the file system. I'm basing this suggestion of the XP pro installer, which havn't seen in about a a year and a half. It's pretty simple though.
  12. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    To fix the /etc/hostname I think you need to do: Quote: echo pic-a-hostname > /etc/hostname I'm not sure about the other one though. To start kde you will also need to install X. Quote: emerge -p xorg-x11 This should return: Quote: [ebuild R ] x11-base/xorg-x11-6.7.0-r2 If it shows [ebuild N] X is not installed. X should be installed since it a dependancy of KDE, so you should just need to configure X, the Desktop Setup Guide should help. This includes in formation on editing /etc/rc.conf to have kde work when you do "startx", it also has information on setting up ati or nvidia drivers, and login managers such as kdm. Please let me know if you need more help. Good Luck.
  13. taeuler

    Installing extra hd - how to do it smart?

    I sounds like you need to copy the informion from you old partions, to the new ones. I'm guessing from your post that you current situation is that you are using you original hard drive without the new ones mounted, and that you second hd is hdb not hda. If my asssumtion is wrong please let me know. To copy the data you will need to mount those drives in three seperate folders, as root. Here is an example of how to do this: Quote: mkdir /mnt/usr/share mount /dev/hdb2 /mnt/usr/share Then copy /usr/share to /mnt/usr/share in konquerer.Then repeat this process for for the other two partions.After you finish copying do: Quote: umount /dev/hdb2 umount /dev/hda3 umount /dev/hdb4 You can then go into YAST and set up the mountpoints like you had planned.
  14. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    Good to hear you got Gentoo up; Hoorah! was how I felt when I first successfully installed it. This is what I have fo my cdrom in /etc/fstab Quote: /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom auto noauto,users 0 0 Could you also post what /etc/mtab has listed for you cd drive? What were some of these error messages at boot?
  15. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    Koba, It looks like this has come up several times today alone on the Gentoo forums, so you should consider trying to compile yourself. Just make sure you have what they mention in the install guide, and then go back, and handle fancy stuff later. You can have multiple kernels so making changes later won't break your system. If you still don't have this working, consider using the live cd, and go through the process of mounting and chrooting. Quote: mount /dev/hda4 /mnt/gentoo mount /dev/hda2 /mnt/gentoo/boot mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash env-update source /etc/profile To get a different kernel version use something other than gentoo-sources(I'd use gentoo-dev-sources, the gentoo-patched 2.6 kernel) and then go back through and redo the kernel install (step 7). and then add a section to your grub.conf,leaving your windows and original linux settings intact, using this form: Quote: title=Gentoo Linux 2.4.26-r6 # Partition where the kernel image (or operating system) is located root (hd0,0) kernel /kernel-2.4.26-gentoo-r6 root=/dev/hda3 Just use the 2.6 version if you do this. You should not need to reinstall grub. The kernel line is this example is what you can also consider changing your current kernel line to.
  16. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    I found this on the Gentoo forums, they have some suggestions for editing grub.conf to get it to boot.O ne person suggests removing the "initrd", but I would suggest leaving that, just change the kernel line as suggested. This seems to have something to do with genkernel, which I havn't used for the install, but there is a wealth of information of the forums already. Search for "root block device" under that full search(top left of the forum screen) not the quick search, and specify the forum option of installing. Good luck.
  17. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    Here are the two things I would check. Is you real_root option set correctly? This is what you posted for what you intended. and does your fstab entry for hda4 look something like this: Quote: /dev/hda4 / reiserfs noatime 0 0 Also do you a a series of messages before what you have posted?
  18. taeuler

    Harddrive size recognition problem

    I don't have a definitive answer, but I have some suggestions for getting started. if you still have Windows XP installed, you can go to "control panel(with the "custom view") -> Administrative tools ", there you will find a tool for drive formating, there you can see if you primary drive has been partioned into a 6-gig section and then the rest of the drive. My guess is that the Mandrake installer partioned you drive. I havn't used Mandrake so this is just a guess. Hope this helps.
  19. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    I think you can't get to /boot/grub/grub.conf because you don't have your boot partion mounted.I am assuming that you are doing this from the install cd since you only have xp installed.What you need to do is open an xterm, and get root access and then do Quote: mount /dev/hda2 /boot This folder might not exist so you might have to do remount your root on /mnt/gentoo and you boot on /mnt/gentoo/boot, if you chroot into /mnt/gentoo make sure you also do mount -t proc none /mnt/gentoo/proc . This should give you access to grub.conf. Everthing looks good with what you have here execpt, don't forget to add an "=" to the vga option(which is not required on most systems). Hope this helps.
  20. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    Could you post your /boot/grub/grub.conf It sound like you may be trying to mount the wrong partion as root. Also did you use genkernel or did you compile the kernel yourself?
  21. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    Cool, and good luck. If you run into issues with the install, since it is different than most, don't forget to go the forums, (this one, and the gentoo forums). I hope you enjoy Gentoo as much as I have.
  22. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    Originally Posted by koba Quote: This sounds good as long as the compiling procedure is almost completely automated (I don't mind waiting if I am confident it will work). Portage is about as automated as compiling from source can be. It does ./configure make make install for you. Just as an example, say you wanted to install kde. All you have to do is open an xterm, and type "emerge kde". it finds all the dependancies and compiles all of it, for something like kde it takes a while, since it is pretty big. I've had very few problems with portage, in fact only when I used packages marked as unstable, ie. the really new ones,did they break during the install. Hope this helps.
  23. taeuler

    Gentoo Linux?

    I agree with Vermyn that Gentoo is a great system once you get it setup, which does take some effort. Portage does an excellent job of managing dependancies if you do choose Gentoo I would suggest using the install handbook and the quik install guides in a side by side fashion. You could also look at this thread which I wrote before finding the quick install guide, you might find it useful. Good luck.
  24. Is the message of this article that the cost of hardware, or just the cost of running the hardware was considered. Quote: A graph used in the advert compared the cost in US dollars per megabit per second of a Linux image running on two z900 mainframe CPUs, with a Windows Server 2003 image running on two 900 MHz Intel Xeon CPUs. But the ASA ruling said the hardware chosen for Linux was more expensive than it needed to be and could have influenced the outcome of the analysis. Regardless the z-series seem to be rather expensive, this refers to the z990, and MS used z900. But this propably gives a reasable idea of how expensive z900s are.
  25. The Suse installer is pretty good about what you can do with partions.If Suse is the only installed distro on the harddrve your working with just let the installer go at it. The main concern is are you doing a daul-boot, because the installer will sometimes default to delete some partions. If you list your current partion setup I can help you with the specifics is you'd like.