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Everything posted by Mel

  1. Mel

    Mandrake 10 and HP All-in ones

    Thanks ,Danleff, I installed flphoto and it looks ok. Printed a couple sheets and they look good.I need to tinker with it a little but I think it will do just fine. It recognized and worked well with my camera.Had 18 photos on camera and it picked them up very well.
  2. Mel

    Mandrake 10 and HP All-in ones

    I have an HP 810 .It makes pretty good pictures.4mpx. 3mpx makes good 8x10 prints.2.5 will work but less than 3 can get a little grainy on 8x10 print.2.5 will make an OK 5x7. Made a hard copy of your post.Will check out your suggested files. Thanks.
  3. Mel

    Mandrake 10 and HP All-in ones

    MDK 10 works fine with HP PSC 2210 and OfficeJet r60 all-in-ones. . . Scan with GIMP and save. (Save as postscript if you want to use Kooka or as jpeg if you want to use Konquerer.) (See first post this thread.) BTW, a full page scan will print about the last 1.5 inches on a second page if not scaled down. You can scale down with GIMP before saving. Please post any problems and solutions you find ,also any tweaks and/or techniques you find that help.Things that are obvious to you may not be to others.(Especially me, some days I can't find the chair I'm sitting in.) . Soulnothing, this is on the HP. Hope it works as well with yours. . In the next few days I hope to try the old Mustek MFS-6000cx. Have to set up MDK 10 on older box since card won't fit these boxes.Also have a parrallel scanner somebody gave me ,gonna try it too. . Yeah , I love it when a plan comes together.(Especially since I'm not the planning type,I just jump in and go.) Does anyone know where I can DL a Linux photo program ? I need to try my digi.cam. with Linux.
  4. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    My mistake !! I'm a type 5...(Except I always forget to backup. ??hmm?? Maybe I'm type 6.)
  5. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    Allmost forgot, I found that if you log on as root to configure network ,Iit only works as root. To use as normal user ,I had to configure as normal user.(Still needed root PW. though.) Haven't figured out how to make app available to all users yet. . BTW, I''m user type 3. ..Type 1 = Professional (Usually knows what he/she is doing)(Danleff,Maillon,Dapper Dan) ..Type 2 = Tired of win crashes and wants a dependable ,alternative OS ..Type 3 = Always likes to learn something new and doesn't have enough sense to quit when .................he/she is ahead. (If I knew what I was doing, I probably wouldn't do it.)
  6. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    Sorry I took so long. Couldn't remember how I did it so had to reinstall RH. To set up internet; 1.Click on hat 2.click on 'system tools' 3.Click on 'Internet Configuration Wizard' 4.Select 'Automatically obtain IP address with dhcp' Finish wizard and restart computer. . . To set up network; 1.Click hat 2.System tools 3.Net Device Control (Network card should be listed.) 4.Click on edit 5.Click Hardware Device tab. .....Hardware should be 'eth0(your card name)', if not,use pulldown button to select. (mine was on 'eth1' . Had to cange to 'eth0' to get on web.) 6.Click 'General'tab 7.Select 'Activate device when computer starts' and 'Automatically obtain IP address settings with [dhcp] 8.Click 'OK' 9.Close window 10. Restart computer . Hope this helps.
  7. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    Did you use RH9 up2date. You get 1 week full service and after that you have the demo support which is everything except live support and installation help. Run up2date to get all the updates.It doesn't cost anything unless you sign up for a premium service.You can still update with the demo version.You just don't get personal help from RH.
  8. I had the same problem with RH9 on HP pavilion 551but it installed without a hitch on other machines. I think it is a hardware compatibility issue on mine.Did you check the hardware compatibility list ?
  9. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    Did you try "Network" in System Settings ? How about "Network Device Control" and "Internet Configuration Wizard" in System Tools. Do you have GUI with Fedora ? "Network" in System Settings had no problem finding my netcard. Have you tried posting on any of the other Linux forums ? There are a few that are dedicated to Fedora.Red Hat home page has a list of links to Red Hat and Fedora forums.Some of those distro specific forums have a couple dedicated users that can almost tell how many times you blinked when you installed it. I didn't intend to sound sarcastic on that last post.It's just that my present network consists of plugging whichever computer I decide to go on the web with into my cable box.
  10. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    Sorry bout that. I wasn't thinking. Your previous posts did indicate you were networked. I should network mine so I can take a look before I start spouting useless remarks. (I'm going to the tool shed to find something to pry my foot out of my mouth.)
  11. Mel

    FEDORA and Dell c800 GUI display "not"

    Don't know about Fedora but I found that some installers will set a generic resolution which is higher than some monitors can handle. If the resolution is set higher than your monitor is capable of the GUI shuts down on some distros and reverts to consol. I just upgraded from RH9 to Fedora so it kept my RH9 settings but a new install of Fedora may be different. Check resolution and make sure it's set to one your monitor supports.
  12. My hp551 has the SIS chips . Knoppix had a problem with it . Anaconda hangs with a "can't load BETANAG" message. Mepis is OK with it but a little hassle configuring printer. Ark has no problem with the SIS system. (Anaconda is the Red Hat installer) Although Red Hat installer won't work with mine it won't hurt to try since your machine is a different model and you have apparently trashed your other OS. Debian may work on your SIS chips but I had a 3 day argument with it's installer on mine. (I lost and went back to Ark.)
  13. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    I thought one if your posts said you got cable ISP. If you're getting on the internet with Fedora then your network is working unless your cable box is connected to a usb port. As for speed ,I haven't noticed any change.
  14. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    I'm glad you got one running. You're right ,at your age ,it's good to get the experience. You have the potential to become a real guru if keep it up. How is fedora ? I haven't tried it yet . I have Fedora core 1 but I haven't gotten it to install . I'm going to try another DL since I had a bad connectioin when I got it and may have some corruption.
  15. Mel

    Netscape for Linux

    For you winXX refugees . I f you are familiar with and like the Netscape web browser , it is available for Linux. If you have never tried Netscape, I think you should try it. Netscape 7.1 has the same look ,ease of use and all the extras in the Linux release as in the win version. It may just be me but in my opinion, going from Konqourer or Mozilla to netscape is like trading a horse and wagon for a Porche. To try it, go to "http://home.netscape.com/". about halveway down the page ,netscape7.1 is listed in "Most Popular Downloads, just click on it. I DLed the full install. Netscape is a very powerful browser with many useful options and the price is right .(FREE) In RedHat 9 I just downloaded the full version, created a folder in my home directory moved the DLed install file into the folder, clicked on the file and it set itself up right there. Now,for the net ,I just go home,open the netscape folder,cilik on the execute file and here I am .Fast and efficient. Netscape comes with editor,browser,spellchecker,Composer,Mail and newsgroups,internet search,very efficient download manager,Smart browsing, instant messenger,ICQ,many privacy and security options,And other advanced options.All in one very efficient, easily tweaked package. I could be a long time describing all the options I've used on this web browser. Hope you like it . "Ignorance is NOT bliss. And I'm speaking from experience. (ongoing)"
  16. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    May I suggest you go to ibiblio .org or linuxiso.org and go through thier list of distros. Each distro listed will have a link to that distros home page. Go to each home page and check thier compatiblility list for your computer. That may save you a lot of frustration since distros that work on one machine may not work on another. A little research may make the difference in finding a good OS or just being frustrated with distros that won't work on your machine. Each distro has its own installer and different distros have problems with different machines. Good luck on your tests.
  17. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    I hope Red Hat works for you. Red installer (Anaconda) wouldn't run on my HP551 but I have a pentium in that machine. Maybe it will work on yours,though.
  18. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    If Mepis won't install , try Ark. It seems to work better, at least with Pentium on HP. (Not sure about Athlon.) I think RedHat 9.0 is a good choice but you won't have the XP controll panel clone. I'm running it on eMachine with Athlon and love it.
  19. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    XP is a HD hog,It wants the whole drive to itself. HP and XP ,in my little bit of experience has been a tricky combo for dual boots on same drive. I found that on mine ,it's better to install Mepis first to make sure have your Linux partitions on drive. Make sure when you install Linux,you install a boot loader.I use Lilo but that is a matter of choice. After Linux is installed then install XP and maybe it won't eat your linux partitions. After you install XP reboot from your Linux CD and install the boot loader again or all you will be able to load will be XP. BTW , did you install the boot loader when you installed Linux? If not, the only thing you will find on your drive will be XP. A Linux boot loader will find and give a choice of every OS on drive. XP loader will only recognize XP. I think you should check with Danleff, Maillon or Dapper Dan for glitches and workarounds for your Athlon. I may be wrong but I believe Danleff ,especially, has a lot of experience with Athlon processors.They're all good people and you can bank on any advice they give you. But remember ,they have to rely on machine specific information you give them .BIOS settings may also be causing a problem but I am hesitant to give advice on that subject.
  20. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    My HP is running a pentium so I don't know how it will work with AMD in HP. It ran really well on eMachine wit AMD Athlon. Mepis is supposed to be optimized for AMD and pentium. Make sure you read everything is the best advice I can give. If you get Mepis installed OK, I think you will like it.
  21. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    BTW, I need to take a look at ARK discs because some of the info I gave you for Ark may have actually been Mepis info. I've been experimenting with so many distros,I may get a couple confused with each other. . . (I know I'm not perfect.So close you can't tell the difference but not quite perfect.)
  22. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    If you have Mepis or you or a friend can DL Mepis iso and burn it to a cd I think that would be the best way to go. (Mepis does require Pentium or AMD processor. I believe you have a pentium.) Reasons; 1.Mepis is a live cd which can easily be installed on HD and Mepis gives the clearist instructions of any distro I've seen. 2.Before Mepis does anything it gives instructions that are easily understood even by us noobees. 3.Mepis installation requires very little input from user. 4.Mepis auto detects most hardware. As soon as the first screen comes up,hit f2 (this is just to stop the default startup).Then hit f1 and read everything then f2,read everything ,f3...f4. Once you read that you will know how to start Mepis with the proper resolution for your monitor.Log on as root. As soon as Mepis is loaded click on Mepis Installation center. Click on Install Mepis on Harddrive !!!!Caution!!!! Look over everything at each step now because root has very powerful privileges. Click on QTParted Click on your HD (something like "/dev/hda" . You should now have a window that gives all info about your HD. Info will include drive make,model,size and all partition info. Now you can close the two windows and click "Next" whereupon installation will begin.You will be given choices including "Install in existing Linux partitions" which will probably be the safest option. (Make your own decisions here because the only way I could be sure would be by sitting at your computer,which isn't likely to happen.) Hope this helps.
  23. Mel

    It's Time

    Well,I've explored GUI's long enough. It's time I start learning CLI,bash and script. Reading different message bases has left me with these questions. Am I right on the following ? 1.Most drivers require kernal entries. 2.Bin files are better for installs than others.(not easier but better)(I know,that may be a loaded question.) . What is the cli command for "find" [anywhere on system]? What are the script lines for "find" [anywhere] and "ifexists"[anywhere].(Don't want specific directories at this time,just want to start exploring and experimenting with cli and script.)
  24. Mel

    It's Time

    OK , I'm jumping in all alone so if you don't hear from me for a few days, it's because I did what I'm most efficient at. (Crash)
  25. Mel

    Hp a220n not accepting linux

    Winders sometimes does't recognize linux partitions and will show drive size only for win partitions.The missing space is probably Linux partitions if I understand correctly, you're checking your drive with windows so if you have a live cd (linux) try starting up with that and check your hd with linux.Linux will recognize all partitions .